Every day someone in the community asks a question about the Seymour Public Schools.
The school district is complex and having the correct answers at your fingertips is not always easy.
So we have created a Citizens Academy to help you understand our school district and its complexities. The Citizens Academy promises to be experiential, informative, and fun. At the conclusion, you will have a better understanding of the knowledge students are required to master in today’s world and the challenges schools must overcome to help students achieve.
The next Academy is scheduled to begin on March 14, 2013. We hope that you will consider joining us. We plan to enroll approximately 20 people for the spring session. You will be notified if you are in the session or placed on a waiting list.
Information about the Academy and an application form are posted below. Please complete both sides of the application.
If you have any questions, please contact Lee-Ann Dauerty, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent (ldauerty@seymourschools.org or 203.888.4564 ×1904).
Click here to read a Valley Indy story about the first session of the Citizens Academy.
Seymour Schools Citizens Academy Information by ValleyIndyDotOrg
Seymour Schools Citizens Academy Application by ValleyIndyDotOrg