Seymour Selectman: Miller Has The Right ‘Stuff’

An opposing candidate recently publicly stated that Kurt Miller and his team have not done the stuff” to lower taxes. This statement is untrue. The facts speak otherwise. 

Kurt Miller and the Republican Team, through sound planning and management over the past four years, saved more than $100,000 with a new trash and recycling contract, paved more roads in the past three years than in the previous fifteen years, renegotiated union and vendor contracts saving over $400,000 annually, streamlined town departments to help our community run more effectively and efficiently, sold LoPresti School saving $80,000 in annual maintenance costs, instituted energy efficiency in town buildings including Town Hall and the Community Center, repaired the police station roof, completed the fish bypass, cleaned up the Housatonic Wire site, implemented a performance management program in public works, and achieved the best Standard and Poor’s bond rating in Seymour history. Is this enough stuff”?

Previous First Selectmen have run on the platform of not raising taxes. Such a route was at the expense of maintaining the town’s infrastructure. Kurt Miller has rebuilt the fund balance and continues to build the foundation for our town’s future by utilizing his extensive small business and corporate finance experience. 

Former Democratic administrations lowered taxes, but it was done artificially. For example, one previous First Selectman used the fund balance to pay for recurring expenses. Once the money quickly ran out, the town was left with a very large hole in its budget that had to be filled by a very large special tax” to garner the funds to repair the damage done. This is a prime example of why a leader cannot lower taxes without first building the proper foundation for the town. There are no gimmicks to achieving sound results; just good discipline and prudent fiscal management.

Kurt Miller uses his ample experience to reestablish stability. Kurt Miller and his team crafted and put into action a 10 Year Strategic Plan, a 5 Year Capital Plan, and a 5 Year Road Plan to assure the town continues to move forward. This is sound, proactive leadership.

The Town of Seymour is fortunate to have such a knowledgeable First Selectman. Kurt Miller will continue to make Seymour a better place to live and work. Kurt Miller has shown that he has the right stuff” to run our town. 

Experience matters. Vote for Kurt Miller and the Republican Team on Nov. 3.

The writer is a Seymour Selectman running for re-election on the Republican line.

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