Seymour’s Alex Danka Is A Taco-Eating Machine

Alex Danka once again outlasted the competition by consuming a dozen tacos to win the annual Cinco de Mayo taco-eating contest at Hot Tamale in Seymour.

Money raised at the event is donated to the Valley’s Meals On Wheels program, operated by TEAM, Inc. a nonprofit community action agency in Derby.

This was the second year in a row Danka, the president of the Seymour Land Trust, won the contest.

But, like Yoda, George Foreman, Joe Montana, and Michael Jordan before him, Danka indicated age is finally catching up with him.

Also, eating a full meal before the competition probably wasn’t the best strategy.

Photo: Melissa E. Giugno

Participants who entered the taco eating contest consumed as many soft-shelled, beef tacos in 5 minutes and 15 seconds as they could.

Bert Volpacchio, Hot Tamale’s owner, said each participant raised at least $250 to enter the contest.

David Morgan, president and CEO of TEAM Inc., said $3,900 was raised for Meals on Wheels.

The program delivers hot meals to 380 elderly residents in Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, Seymour and Oxford. Morgan said meals are not the only thing delivered. It’s a connection to the outside world, a consistent chance to talk to someone.

By the way, Morgan put away eight tacos, as did Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller. Miller’s total is a dramatic improvement from just two years ago, when he ate just five tacos and was almost demoted to the taco-eating-for-charity minor leagues.

Phil Wilhelmy, stand-in for state Rep. Theresa Conroy, ate nine tacos.

Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti ate seven tacos. So did Don Smith, Jr., president of the board of directors at the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley.

Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto ate three tacos.

The dark horse of the competition was undoubtedly Rory Burke, the Seymour First Selectman’s top minion/administrative assistant.

Burke ate 11 tacos, just one short of tying Danka.

Burke was subbing for Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti. It’s unclear whether Burke took a dive to curry hometown favor, but the Valley Indy is officially spreading that rumor.

Photo: Melissa E. Giugno

Cassetti, a former boxer, was disappointed in his performance. His strategy of eating a light lunch didn’t pan out, but he has no plans to move from the country to star in European action movies, like Marvelous Marvin Hagler did in 1987 after losing to Sugar Ray Leonard.

Miller attributed his improved performance to sticking tacos together and slowing his pace.

The May 5 taco-eating contest was the third at Hot Tamale on Route 67 (39 New Haven Road, click here for the Facebook page) in Seymour. The packed restaurant also hosted a raffle, raising an additional $205 for Meals on Wheels.

Stacey Oberg of East Hartford won a bag stuffed with Patron-sponsored products.

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