‘Sit Down With A Selectman’ Tonight In Seymour

Back in 2016, a month after becoming a Selectman, I started doing something that I had always planned to do as an elected official. I wanted to give residents a chance to share their concerns and thoughts in a relaxed environment without the structure and pressure of a town board meeting. 

I went to a Seymour restaurant, sat there for two hours over a meal and a drink and asked the public to join me. 

A few people came and we had some great conversations. Since that night 2 years ago, I have done this once every month and enjoyed it greatly each time. It took me a while to have a formal name attached to this gathering, but I have since dubbed it Sitdown with a Selectman.”

It has given me an opportunity to learn a lot more about the people and the problems in Seymour. I’ve heard some challenging stories and built relationships that I may not have otherwise. As an elected official, it is vitally important to have your finger on the pulse of the community and I am always looking for ways to stay in touch with the people I represent. 

As my monthly Sitdown with a Selectman series hits it’s two year anniversary, I invite everyone to join me tonight, Wednesday, January 31st at Pub 67 any time from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Following tonight’s Sitdown, I will be regularly scheduling them for the 4th Tuesday of each month at Pub 67 from 7 – 9pm. I am looking forward to hearing more about our town and our residents!

The writer is a member of the Seymour Board of Selectmen.

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