Staffieri Is Far Ahead Of Foley In Campaign Donations

Heading into the Nov. 3 election, Republican incumbent Mayor Anthony Staffieri has a substantial money advantage over his challenger, Democrat Dan Foley, Jr., according to the latest round of filings in the Derby Town Clerk’s office.


Between July 1 and Sept. 30, Staffieri for Mayor” raised $23,212.67 — and has raised $26,515 overall, according to the campaign’s finance disclosure statement.

Between July 1 and Sept. 30, Staffieri for Mayor” spent $15,971,65 — and has spent $19,273 overall.

At the start of October, Staffieri’s campaign had $7,241.02 in its bank account.


A New Beginning — Foley for Mayor 2009,” meanwhile, raised $7,778 since launching over the summer.

The campaign has spent $4,982.09 and was left at the start of October with $2,795.91.

The Derby Democratic Committee, meanwhile, has raised $9,324.72 overall — and has spent $8,513.60, according to its campaign finance disclosure statement.

Combining the Democratic Committee and Foley’s campaign brings the total money raised to $17,102.72.

That is about $9,400 less than Staffieri and the totals do not include the $3,389 also raised by the Republican Town Committee.


Lots of dollar figures — do any of these numbers mean anything for the Nov. 3 election?

Yes, according to Ken Hughes, president of the Board of Aldermen and Staffieri’s campaign chairman.

The sheer number of people giving Staffieri money shows he has city-wide support in Derby, Hughes said, and that people like the progress happening under the Republican administration.

Since our first run in 2005, Tony was always a strong fund-raising candidate,” Hughes said. He knows a lot of people, based on his 30 plus years of owning a business.”

Foley, meanwhile, said the donations are not a barometer for the election. 

His team expected the Republican incumbent to have more money at this point, simply because incumbents often have a cash advantage.

We started later, but fundraising has been very successful,” Foley said. He’s the incumbent and he’s raising money from people who hope to work with him in the future. We’re getting donations from every day citizens.”

Foley’s Biggest Donors

The biggest donors to Foley’s campaign include Derby’s Donald North, who is listed as the owner of The Ice Creap Shop.” North has donated $710 to Foley so far, according to campaign records.

David Cassetti, a contractor from Ansonia, has given $830 to Foley’s campaign.

Two employees at the Micci and Korolyshun law firm in Derby have given Foley a total of $400.

Anita Duggatto, the treasurer of the Democratic Town Committee and a dentist on Elizabeth Street, has contributed $827 to the cause.

Foley also accepted a $50 donation from Danpac,” Stamford Mayor’s Dannel P. Malloy’s political action committee.

Staffieiri’s Biggest Donors

Staffieri received $250 from AQN PAC, a lobbyist group for the Aquarion Water Co., according to state records.

He also received $1,500 from the Lower Naugatuck Valley Coalition for Better Government,” a political action committee established by Hughes. (Correction: Hughes’ PAC gave money to the Derby Republican Town Committee, not Staffieri for Mayor.”)

The biggest contribution to Staffieri for Mayor” in the latest reporting period came from a political action committee, called the Connecticut Laborer’s Political League. It gave $1,000.

Richard Antonucci, principal of Annex Associates, contributed $650 (click here for related story).

Ron Culmo, the city’s public works director, and Frank Palaccia, listed as a city employee, each gave $600 to Staffieri. 

Louis Torelli, Jr., an engineer with DeCarlo and Doll, Inc., gave $500.

The next round of filings is due Oct. 27.



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