Staffieri Leads Money Race In Derby

Incumbent Mayor Anthony Staffieri and the Republicans have an almost $18,000 fundraising lead on challenger Dan Foley, Jr. and the Democrats heading into Tuesday’s election.

The latest round of campaign finance disclosures were due Oct. 27.


Staffieri for Mayor” raised $15,541.02 between Oct. 1 and Oct. 20, bringing the re-election committee’s total money raised to $34,815. The campaign spent a total of $28,951.05 and had $5,863.95 in the bank as of Oct. 20.

A New Beginning — Foley for Mayor 2009,” raised $4,485.91 between Oct. 9 and Oct 26, bringing its total raised to $9,468. The committee spent a total of $8,551.09 and had $916.91 on hand at the end of the month.

The Derby Democratic Town Committee raised no money from individual donors between Oct. 1 and Oct. 20. It has raised $11,235 from individual donors this political season and $12,589.72 overall.

The Democrats had $1,322.97 in the bank as of Oct. 20, having spent a total of $11,366.75.

The Republican Town Committee has raised $5,153.76 overall, spent $3,389.75 and has $1,764 on hand.

Staffieri’s Donors

The largest individual donor listed on this round of contributions is Frank Pelaccia, who has given $800. Pelaccia lists the city’s public works department as his employer.

Ron Culmo, the city’s public works director, has contributed $700 to Staffieri’s campaign.

Collectively, employees at Milone and MacBroom gave about $2,500 to Staffieri’s campaign in October through individual donations. The company does consulting work for the city, especially for the inland wetlands commission.

Foley’s Donors

Foley’s election campaign raised $1,535 from individual donors in October. The largest donor last month was Evelyn North, a secretary with the state’s judicial department, who donated $300.

David Cassetti, a contractor from Ansonia, has contributed $1,000 total to Foley’s campaign, including a $170 donation Oct. 12.

The majority of Foley’s expenses in October went to campaign literature. Valley Publishing, for instance, received about $1,550 to publish literature for the challenger.

Foley For Mayor 10 – 27

Staffieri For Mayor 10 – 27

Derby DTC 10 – 27

Derby RTC 10 – 27

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