I would like to take the opportunity to publicly thank Mayor Jim DellaVolpe and Mayor Tony Staffieri for the honor of being able to work with them on numerous projects and issues over the many years that these fine gentlemen served their respective cities and citizens.
I always found them to be decent, hard-working individuals who shared one thing in common, love for their hometowns. Both of them always treated me respectfully and were always extending a welcome for me to join them at local events and ceremonies.
I will always be grateful to them for their cooperation and their service.
With that, I would also like to take the opportunity to publicly congratulate Mayor Elect Dave Cassetti and Mayor Elect Anita Dugatto.
I look forward to a smooth transition with the continuation of work on current projects and I welcome the chance to discuss any possible issues of concern that either of them may have.
I have no doubt that these newly elected officials will also govern with the same passion and professionalism that all of us have come to know and appreciate from their predecessors.
I know we will all work together to do what is right and best for our citizens and our communities.
Again, sincere thanks to our outgoing officials and a warm welcome and best wishes to our new officials.
The writer is a state representative for the 104th District in Ansonia and Derby.