State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria Takes The Oath Of Office

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State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria.

Please note the following information is from a press release from House Republicans:

HARTFORD — Despite an overcast sky and near-freezing temperatures, State Representative Nicole Klarides-Ditria (R‑105) and her colleagues stood on the North steps of the Capitol, adjacent to Hartford’s Bushnell Park, to take the oath of office, and to officially open the 2021 – 2022 legislative session.

“To say this was a different, or non-traditional, opening day ceremony would be an understatement, but the legislature is together again and ready to take on the important issues facing our state, including those issues that have caused instability within our small business and restaurant community,” Rep. Klarides-Ditria said.

This session, when the General Assembly meets it will be, by most appearances, virtually. This means that committee hearings, floor votes, town halls, and office hours will be mostly conducted through Zoom, with lawmakers observing social distancing.

“This past year was unprecedented, and while the pandemic continues to be incredibly challenging it has provided an opportunity for us to come together virtually, find new and creative ways to connect and still move Connecticut forward,” Rep. Klarides-Ditria said. ​“I’m confident we will emerge from this crisis stronger than before, and I’m proud to represent the people of Beacon Falls, Seymour and Derby.”

House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora named Rep. Klarides-Ditria to serve as Chair of the Legislative Review Committee, and as a member on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee and Public Health Committee. She was also appointed to serve as a Caucus Whip. Whips are traditionally responsible for helping to shape public policy, assisting Republican members and making sure all caucus lawmakers are in attendance to cast their votes on legislative issues.

Today’s ceremony is the start of the legislature’s ​“long session” which runs from January 6 through June 9. Connecticut’s legislature is part-time, with regular sessions held from January to June in odd-numbered years, and from February to May in even-numbered years. The ​“long session” is used to establish a state budget and introduce bills of a general nature. In the even-year ​“short session” the legislature can only consider bills directly related to state budget, revenue and financial matters, as well as committee bills or resolutions, and those matters certified to be of an emergency nature.

Klarides-Ditria was first elected in 2016 represents the 105th district of Beacon Falls, Seymour and Derby in the Connecticut General Assembly.

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