Storm, Library, DPW Make The Case For More Cash

Officials from the school district weren’t the only ones trying to convince the Derby tax board to loosen their purse strings Tuesday.

Leaders from Storm Ambulance and Rescue, the Derby Public Library and the highway department also talked to the tax board about why they need more money in 2010 – 2011.

A public hearing on the Derby budget is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19 at 7 p.m. on the second floor of Derby City Hall. The tax board will finalize the budget next week.

The tax board held a meeting in City Hall Tuesday where municipal and school employees were able sound off on the proposed budget.


Storm Ambulance Chief Jim Saldamarco said his organization responds to 2,000 calls a year. Their response time is among the best in Connecticut, thanks to a small, dedicated group of volunteers.

However,“these kids are basically starting to burn themselves out,” Saldamarco said.

The ambulance corps requested $70,000 from the city, which is the same amount the organization received this year.

A portion of the money ($25,000) is slated to be used for a volunteer incentive program,” the chief said.

Storm Ambulance is considering giving gift certificates to members who respond to a certain number of calls — or to hold a picnic to honor current volunteers and attract more, Saldamarco said.

The tax board is considering giving Storm Ambulance $55,000.

It’s my feeling that the ambulance corps provides one of, if not the, most important services to the City of Derby,” the chief said. We try to do a lot of work with the money that we get. It’s getting harder and harder to attract volunteers.”


The library requested $451,741 from the city for 2010 – 2011.

The tax board is considering giving the library $431,041.

Derby Library Director Cathy Williams concentrated on two items in the budget where the tax board made reductions.

They were:

1. Repairs and maintenance: The library requested $29,000. The tax board gave $19,000.

2. Miscellaneous:” The library requested $4,200. The tax board gave $2,500.

Williams explained the more than 100-year-old library is the most used building in Derby, aside from school district buildings.

The miscellaneous fund is used for unexpected repairs. This year those items totaled $6,000 and included a phone for the library’s elevator and a replacement part for the boiler.

The repair and maintenance fund is for regularly scheduled upkeep on the old building — including boiler inspections, elevator inspections, snow removal and annual cleaning.

Williams requested the tax board reduce $3,000 from other areas in her budget.


Director Ron Culmo requested $1.4 million to fund 2010 – 2011 operations. 

The tax board is willing to give $1.3 million.

The tax board reduced an account for telephone service. Culmo had requested $450. The tax board gave $360.

However, the bill will be $450, Culmo said.

The tax board reduced Culmo’s request to fund a motorized equipment maintenance” account to the tune of $74,000.

The tax board allocated $50,000 to that account — the same as this year.

Culmo said he needs the money to keep some of the ancient highway trucks on the road. Some of the trucks are 32 years old, Culmo said. They need work all year long.

There is a lot of rot on the trucks. The frames, the bodies,” Culmo said.

Finally, Culmo talked about a care of trees” account. He had requested $24,500 from the city. The tax board allocated $20,000.

Culmo said the money is used to keep dead tree limbs from falling into the street or onto power lines.

It’s a safety issue — and it’s the reason why Derby doesn’t get hit with large-scale blackouts during wind storms, Culmo said.

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