Tentative Schedule For Local COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

DERBY — Griffin Health sent the following list of upcoming vaccination clinics in the lower Naugatuck Valley.

The hospital also recently expanded testing capacity after a rise in cases. Click here for information.

SHELTON (ongoing)

Griffin Health Vaccination Center, 10 Progress Drive

Adult Vaccination

8 AM to 4 PM on weekdays

Saturdays 7 AM to Noon

Pediatric Vaccination

4 PM to 7 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays

9 AM to 12 PM on Saturdays

JANUARY (Subject to Change)


1/18:Ansonia Armory, 5 State Street, 3:30 PM‑7:00 PM

1/20: Ansonia BHcare, 435 East Main Street, 1:00 PM‑4:00 PM

1/25: Ansonia Armory, 5 State Street, 3:30 PM‑7:00 PM

FEBRUARY (Subject to Change)


2/1: Ansonia Armory, 5 State Street, 3:30 PM‑7:00 PM

2/3 (Pending Confirmation): Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Joel E. Smilow Clubhouse, 28 Howard Avenue, 4:00 PM‑8:00 PM

2/8: Ansonia Armory, 5 State Street, 3:30 PM‑7:00 PM


2/3 (Pending Confirmation): Callahan House Association, 32 Smith Street, 10:00 AM‑3:00 PM

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