The Division Street Railroad Crossing Is Closed

Eugene Driscoll PhotoWork crews shut the railroad crossing on Division Street at about 9:30 a.m. Friday, as promised.

Hey buddy, can I make a left?” a bearded motorist yelled to a reporter standing on the corner of Division and Pershing Street at 9:45 a.m.

No sir, you may not.

And you won’t be able to for up to a week. Or maybe it’ll be open by Tuesday, if they’re able to do the work quickly.

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is replacing the crossing on Division Street because it’s old and falling apart. The state Department of Transportation will be installing conduits in the ground that will start the ball rolling on providing signalization for Metro-North’s Waterbury branch.

Click here for a story we published April 13 on this whole thing.

There is no train service on the local stops of the train line. Commuters have to take substitute bus service. See the embedded PDF at the bottom of this story for more info, or download the document yourself by clicking this here link.

Some 16,000 vehicles a day drive over the crossing. Now they can’t.

Here’s the lay of the land — at least as of noon Friday.

Keep in mind that some of this is subject to change, as the DOT was still tweaking their signs and cones on Friday.


Division Street is closed on the Pershing Drive side from Pershing to the railroad crossing.

You cannot turn onto Division Street from Pershing Drive. Here’s proof.

Also, as you drive down the steep Division Street hill from the Griffin Hospital area, you cannot proceed over Pershing to keep driving on Division.

You can make a left or right onto Pershing Drive.

But I need to get to Stop & Shop on Division Street for beer and bacon!”

OK, here’s an option.

Take Pershing Drive to Bridge Street in Ansonia. Make a right onto Bridge Street and go over the bridge.

Make a right onto Main Street. Follow that until it connects to Division Street. Make a right, then drive to Stop & Shop. Keep in mind you should access Stop & Shop by making a right onto North Division at Taco Bell. It’ll make life easier for everyone. Once you’re in Stop & Shop, pick me up a 12 pack of Corona.

If you usually access Division Street from Pershing Drive, this route can be used to access BJ’s, Mickey D’s, and every other store on Division Street.

NOTE: You can’t turn into or out of Division Street from the CVS/Burger King property at the corner of Division and Pershing.

Here’s proof:


Don’t be like this Honda driver, who drove within a few feet of the obviously closed exit before stopping:


You also can’t get to the Radio Shack side of Red Raider Plaza from Division Street. You can still access it from Pershing Drive.


Division Street is 100 percent open at the intersection with Route 115.

You can turn onto the road from Route 115 — but traffic was heavier than normal immediately after the railroad crossing was closed.

Here’s proof:


You can drive all the way down Division Street to Monro Muffler and Brakes — but you can’t go any farther. You will need to turn around.

Here’s proof:



FYI — unless you have business at Monro, there is really no reason to be on this stretch of Division. If you need to get into Stop & Shop, you’re better off turning onto North Division from Division Street — at Taco Bell.

Also, slow down. When traffic is heavy, it may seem like Division Street is 100 percent open.

It’s not.

STOP & SHOP TIP: Lots of motorists Friday were exiting Stop & Shop by making a right onto Division Street. This is not advisable, because you are going to hit the road block at the rail crossing.

Motorists kept doing this because there is a pre-existing no left turn” sign from Stop & Shop — but turning right isn’t an option, because there’s a road block.


Some motorists were ignoring this sign and making the left (since there was no traffic coming). You’re probably better off driving to North Division Street through the Stop & Shop parking lot and getting back onto Division at the safety of the traffic light.


On Friday, people were able to cross the tracks on foot. That could change. Keep in mind it’s an active construction site. Not paying attention could get you killed, by something like this:

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Waterbury Bus Service

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