This is the policy I’ve been following for 10 years regarding letters to the editor.
The Valley Indy is an independent news source that welcomes letters to the editor.
It is the writer’s responsibility to submit a letter that is truthful, concise, and accurate.
The Valley Indy does not relinquish editorial oversight to letter writers.
Letters are subject to review. This process includes editing for grammar, typos, and style.
If the editor has questions or concerns about the letter, you will be asked to address the concerns. The Valley Indy is not obligated to publish letters that violate or are suspected of violating newsroom standards. A letter could be held if it contains information that must be confirmed independently.
The Valley Indy will not seek your approval regarding your letter’s headline. A letter writer may submit a suggested headline. The Valley Indy is not obligated to use it. An editor writes headlines. This is a standard practice.
The Valley Indy will not consult with or seek approvals from the letter writer about where the letter is displayed on the website, the wording used to promote the letter in ‘Extra, Extra,’ or the phrasing used to share your letter with the public through social media posts or any other form of communication.
Letters to the editor are opinions. Publishing a letter is not an endorsement of that opinion by The Valley Indy.
The Valley Indy will fact-check letters for accuracy to the extent a person’s opinion can be fact-checked.
There is a strict 550-word limit. The writer should stick to a single topic.
Do not submit graphs, tables, or info charts.
Do not include potentially libelous statements. Learn about libel, and, if you are a public official, understand the difference between your position and that of a private citizen.
Do not engage in personal attacks.
If you disagree with a letter writer’s point of view, please feel free to write a response or post a comment.
I’d prefer politicians not contact me for an off-the-record discussion about the letter because they disagree with the letter. While this request is unusual, it’s difficult for me to take the time to discuss every opinion expressed in a public forum by a private citizen.
During campaign season, read the site to learn the deadlines for campaign-related letters, which is usually several days before Election Day.
During campaign season, it is not advisable to submit last-minute dirt on an opponent in the form of a letter to The Valley Indy. The letter will not be published if the information can not be verified independently, and I will not re-arrange my schedule to chase down a last-minute rumor or accusation.
Do not submit letters as PDF documents. Word documents or plain-text emails are preferred.