The Griffin Hospital Development Fund is excited to announce the 5th Annual Valley Goes Pink initiative.
The theme of this year will be “Early Detection Saves Lives.”
The Valley Goes Pink is a grassroots, community-wide effort throughout the Lower Naugatuck Valley to create awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early detection, support the Hewitt Center for Breast Wellness at Griffin Hospital, and showcase partnering organizations, all at the same time.
Mark your calendars, because throughout October, Valley towns are invited to host a variety of unique fundraising events and marketing programs to raise awareness and support for the cause.
From hosting Pink Parties in homes, to “pinkifying” businesses with ribbons or lights, or hosting dress down days and auctions – the possibilities are endless.
Help us paint the town PINK! Or come out to support a Pink event. All proceeds stay in the Valley! Over the last four years we have raised over $200,000.
The kickoff event for this 5th Annual Valley Goes Pink will be held at Wellington’s Restaurant, 51 Huntington Ave., Shelton, on Monday, Sept. 29 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Valley Goes Pink Committee members will wait on guests and all tips will go directly to the cause.
Wine bags will be distributed for donations throughout October and can be returned at the closing event Oct. 27, also at Wellingtons.
For more information on how you can go Pink, including a calendar of events, visit or contact the Development Fund at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 203.732.7504.