The Valley Goes Pink In October

The Valley is going pink for the month of October.

Throughout October, Valley towns, organizations and businesses will host a variety of fundraising events to support the Hewitt Center for Breast Wellness at Griffin Hospital.

The events are to create awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early detection, support the Hewitt Center for Breast Wellness, and showcase partnering organizations.

One in eight women will be affected by breast cancer. Women in Connecticut are especially at risk, with the third highest rate of breast cancers in the United States.

Click here for the Valley Goes Pink Facebook page.

Click here to follow the Valley Goes Pink on Twitter.

Click here for a calendar of events from Griffin Hospital.

Click here for more information, including how to make a donation.

Here is a list of some of the events:

Saturday Oct. 1:Valley Goes Pink kicks off with First Selectman Susan Cable reading a proclamation declaring October as The Valley Goes Pink month in the Town of Beacon Falls. Presentation at 1 p.m. Will be part of the annual Duck Race.

Sunday Oct. 2:Walk a Mile In Her Shoes, sponsored by First Selectman Paul Roy and Selectman Kurt Miller, at French Park in Seymour, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The event is for men to wear high-heeled shoes and walk a mile to raise breast cancer awareness. The walk will begin at French Park, travel up Spruce Street to North Street and conclude at Hot Tamale’s where a light lunch will be served. There will be prizes for top finishers who are dressed up and a best costume prize will be awarded.
The registration fee is $25 per walker, and includes a t‑shirt and food voucher ticket.
Miller has pledged to sell the shaving of his legs for $200 per leg.

Monday Oct. 3: Wellington’s Restaurant in Shelton, will host a guest waters night at 6:30 p.m., with Valley Pink committee members and Dr. Zandra Cheng waiting on tables. All tips will support the center. A proclamation will be issued by Mayor Mark Lauretti declaring October as The Valley Goes Pink month in Shelton. Reservations are required. Call 203 – 929-0336.

Tuesday Oct. 4:The City of Derby will hold a Luminary Lighting Ceremony on the Derby Green at 7 p.m. The price is $2 per luminary. Anyone wishing to purchase a luminary in memory of a loved one or for the encouragement of a loved one or someone special in their lives should stop by the Town Clerk’s office of Mayor Anthony Staffieri’s office, 1 Elizabeth Street.

Wednesday Oct. 5:Oxford First Selectman Mary Ann Drayton-Rogers will read a proclamation declaring October as The Valley Goes Pink month in Oxford. The presentation will take place at Oxford Town Hall Board of Selectmen meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday Oct. 6:Women Making a Difference in the Valley luncheon will be held at Grassy Hill Lodge, 77 Sodom Lane, Derby. Tickets are $40 per person. For more information, call 203 – 732-7431.

Thursday, Oct. 13:Special Griffin Hospital kick-off of The Valley Goes Pink Week with Pink Night Event by The Young Emerging Professionals, a committee of the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce, in support of the Campaign for Breast Wellness at Griffin Hospital. Pink Night is from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m at the Oronoque Country Club, 385 Oronoque Lane, Stratford. Open to all. Tickets are $35 a person. RSVP by Tuesday, Oct. 11 here or call 203 – 925-4981.

Friday, Oct. 21:Candy Coburn, a national country singer who is the celebrity ambarassador for the Susan G. Koman for the Cure, performs at 7:30 p.m. at Seymour Middle School. Tickets are $5. For more information .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Saturday Oct. 22:Peak Fitness, 1 Klarides Village Drive, Seymour, will host a Zumbathon fundraiser to benefit Seymour Pink. The donation will be $10 and all proceeds will go to Seymour Pink.

Sunday Oct. 23:Vineyards of the World Wine Tasting at Ari Bella Restaurant, 66 Huntington Street, Shelton. The cost is $50 a person. Call for information call 203 – 926-1122.

Friday, Nov. 4: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., The Inn at Villa Bianca, 312 Roosevelt Drive, Seymour, hosts the third annual wine tasting gala for Seymour Pink. $30 in advance, $35 at the door. For more information call Stephen Gencarelli at Mountain Road Wine & Liquor at 203 – 888-3460. 

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