This Week In Valley History

This week in history!

From the digital files
of The Evening Sentinel, courtesy of The Ansonia Historical Commission.

Note: the summaries are paraphrased from the original Sentinel articles if parts of the original were unreadable.

Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1929

Lincoln’s Birthday Fine Holiday for Lucky Ones

ANSONIA — Lincoln’s birthday was observed today by many as a holiday. The schools were closed as well as the banks and the public library also observed the holiday. While most of the offices in the city were closed, most of the officials were on duty, catching up with their work. The stores were open and the mills were in operation. The day was a fine one for a holiday and those lucky enough to be relieved from their usual duties, fully enjoyed the sunshine and brisky wintry breeze. 

Getting in Trim

ANSONIA — Art Kilpatrick, well known athlete of this city who spends his summer playing professional baseball, and for the past two seasons has been a member of the Greensboro club in South Carolina, has started to get in trim for the fast approaching campaign. Kilpatrick has started his workouts at the YMCA, and though a little overweight, promises to be in good trim in about a month’s time.

Has Sold Business

DERBY — Frank Williams has sold his milk route to Edward Vargosha, owner of the Huntington Dairy. Mr. Williams in the near future is to engage in the battery business in Torrington.

Boys Taking Chances on Ice

SEYMOUR — Many complaints were made today regarding the actions of a number of small boys to skate on some of the ponds about town. The ice is said to be wholly unsafe, being but a few inches thick, but despite this the youths gathered at a number of the places and started to do stunts. In several instances the boys were chased away from the ponds by grown-ups who were attracted to them and who at once realized the danger they were in.

Wednesday, Feb. 13. 1929

Goes to Australia

ANSONIA — Scotty Horsburg, former flyweight boxer of this city, has gone to Australia to seek his fortunes. Scotty set sail from New York on Tuesday and hopes to procure a few fights when he arrives at the land of the kangaroo. In his fights here in the states, Scotty has not fared so well and hopes to make a successful comeback in Australia.

Well- Attended Dance

DERBY — The social and dance of the Ladies’ Italian-American Club held in Library hall last night drew a goodly crowd. Dancing was enjoyed from 8 to 12 o’clock, music being supplied by Noonan’s orchestra.

Fireman Injured at Oxford Blaze

SEYMOUR — Cyril T. Goddard of Pearl Street, a member of the Citizens Engine Company, who was injured in Oxford yesterday afternoon when he was struck by an automobile, was taken to the Griffin Hospital, Derby, this morning. Goddard, who was injured just as he stepped off the fire truck near the scene of the fire, suffered much pain during the night.

Thursday, Feb. 14, 1929

Vasa Valentine Dance

ANSONIA — Prins Gustav Lodge No. 83 of Vasa of this city will conduct a Valentine’s dance Friday evening in the Veterans Memorial Hall, Derby. Music will be furnished by Noonan’s orchestra. The committee in charge is working hard to make the evening an enjoyable one and will introduce many novelties that are sure to please young and old alike.

Valentines Day

DERBY — Today was celebrated throughout the city as Valentines Day. Valentines of all sizes and descriptions, some pretty, some humorous, were received by everyone from friends, while in the schools, a Valentines box was enjoyed in most of the rooms.

Hundreds Receives Ashes at Churches

DERBY — Hundreds of people attended the Lenten services in St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s churches last evening and at the conclusion of the services received ashes which had been blessed at the morning services.

Supper Great Success

SEYMOUR — The Lincoln birthday supper served by Mrs. Smith Holbrook, Mrs. Lulu Carpenter, Mrs. Roy Gibney and Mrs. George Carlson, was an unqualified success. The many patrons found plenty to eat, jolly company and patriotic decorations tastefully arranged by Mrs. Fred Bosworth. The evening closed with the merry comedy, ​“Three Jolly Tara.”

Friday, Feb. 15, 1929

A Grass Fire

ANSONIA — The Eagles and Websters were called out at 1 25 o’clock this afternoon for a grass fire at the end of Hodge Avenue extension. The fire was extinguished by people of the neighborhood before the firemen arrived. The alarm was sounded from Box 38 at the corner of Beaver and Central streets. Many people gathered to see what was expected to be a more serious blaze, but they were disappointed.

Much Snow Coming Next Week

DERBY — The East Side Weatherman, in a communication to the Evening Sentinel written yesterday, stated ​“Just a reminder-the first of this month I predicted a stormy period from the 14th to the 22nd. A couple of bad storms are due and snow is also on the hill. Next week, this section will be in for a good deal of snow. There will be a good deal of winter weather during the next three weeks.”

Still Confined to Home

SEYMOUR — Dr. George A. Tucker is confined to his home on Nichols Street with a severe cold. He had been ill for a few days or so and thought he would be able to resume his practice last Monday. In this he was disappointed, and it will be several days before he can be about.

Saturday, Feb. 16, 1929

Fountains Still Lead in Tourney

ANSONIA — In the second round of games in the card tourney between the Fountain Hose Company in this city and the Hotchkiss Hose Company of Derby played last night at the hose house of the Ansonia firemen. The visitors emerged from the contest with an advantage of one point. The Fountains are still in the lead however in the first series of games played two weeks ago in Derby.

Auto Show

ANSONIA —An auto show will be held Feb. 21, 22 and 23 at the state armory, Ansonia.

Miscellaneous Shower

DERBY — A miscellaneous shower was tendered to Miss Elizabeth Dalton last night at the home of Miss Anna Garrity at 59 Minerva Street. A supper was enjoyed, and dancing followed. The bride-to-be received a number of beautiful gifts from her friends.

Enjoying Southern Life

DERBY — A number of postal cards were received by members of the police department this morning from Lt. Anthony Urbano, who is spending a leave of absence at Miami, Florida. Lt. Urbano writes that he is enjoying life in the south. 

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