This week in history!
From the digital files of The Evening Sentinel, courtesy of The Ansonia Historical Commission.
Note: the summaries are paraphrased from the original Sentinel articles if parts of the original were unreadable.
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1929
Disturbing Siren Gets Mayor’
ANSONIA — Mayor Michael J. Cook gave orders today to Fire Chief James Minch to instruct Supt. of Fire Alarms Stephen Finer to remove the siren located at the corner of Main and Bridge streets and in its place install a new device so equipped that it can be shut off if it suffers attacks of unruliness that the present one in use has inflicted on the public on innumerable occasions.
The mayor’s action was inspired yesterday afternoon around 1:30 o’clock when the siren went on a rampage and created such a hubbub that his honor was kept busy answering phone calls and making explanations to so many inquiring people that by the time he was at liberty to eat his dinner, he found it was his supper of which he was about to partake. A man can forgive many things, say the prophets, but when he is deprived of his dinner, he is certain to lash himself into a stormy frame of mind.
Gas Station Hearing
DERBY — Mayor William J. Riordan has designated March 5 has the date and 8 o’clock in the city hall as the time and place for a hearing on the application of the Lombardi Motor Car company for a certificate of approval for the proposed location of a retail gas station at Nos. 67 – 71 Minerva Street.
Mrs. Duffield Out
DERBY — Mrs. Archibald Duffield, wife of Judge Duffield of the city court, who has been confined to her home on E Street by illness, was able to go out for a short time yesterday for the first time in ten weeks. Mrs. Duffield’s many friends will be glad to know that she is now on the road to recovery.
Seymour Man To Get Compensation
SEYMOUR — Joseph Holmes of 146 North Main Street is to be paid the sum of $508.60 for specific injuries sustained in the employ of the H.A. Matthews Mfg. Co., under the terms of a voluntary agreement that was approved yesterday at the office of Compensation Commissioner F.M. Williams in Waterbury.
The money is to be paid at the rate of $11.23 for 45.33 weeks. Mr. Holmes sustained an injury which resulted in the loss of two-thirds of the function of his right index and middle finger.
Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1929
Siren Under Control
ANSONIA — Acting on the orders of Mayor Cook and Fire Chief James J. Minch, Supt. Stephen Finer of the fire alarms system yesterday afternoon fixed the siren and Main and Bridge streets so it could be stopped by police when it went on a rampage. A choker switch has been placed in the police signal box and when the siren does not behave it can be quickly squelched by the police.
Car Hits Pole
DERBY — A woman representative of the Department of Health in Hartford was driving through this city this morning when her car skidded on Seymour Avenue and ran into a telegraph pole. The woman, whose name could not be learned, was slightly injured, she being attend by Dr. T. F. Plunkett.
Accepted Local Agency
SEYMOUR — William Miles of Seymour has accepted a position as salesmen with the Dutee W. Flint Corporation whose offices and storehouses is located in Ansonia. Mr. Miles will include Oxford, Beacon Falls and other nearby towns within his territory and will engage in the sale and distributions of the vehicles that have made Henry Ford famous.
Thursday, Feb. 21, 1929
Dr. Mercer Home
ANSONIA — Dr. C. H. Mercer has returned after enjoying the past few days at Atlantic City and has once more resumed his practice.
Troop 3 Notes
DERBY — Troop 3 B.S.A. held an interesting meeting last in the Second Congregational Church. Scout Executive Jerome A. Higgins was present and taught the boys a new song. Joseph Lafferty and John Hunt of Troop 2 Ansonia were visitors at this meeting, a merry evening being enjoyed.
New School Paper
DERBY — The students of Irving School have started the publishing with a mimeographing machine of the “Irving Record,” the school paper, whose first issue came out Tuesday afternoon. An earnest plea was made in it for the support of the student body and a considerable amount of news of the school is contained in the double page issue.
Two-Day Shutdown
SEYMOUR —The plant of the Kerite Cable Co. will close tonight and will not resume operations until Monday. Some of the departments shut down last night in order to arrange for some repairs that are required.
Friday, Feb. 22, 1929
Basketball And Dance
DERBY — Shelton Alumni vs Derby High School will be held in the Shelton High School Auditorium Saturday eve Feb. 23. Dancing will take place afterwards with Jack Lawlor’s Society Orchestra.
Henry M. Bradley, Jr. At Old Battlefield
DERBY — In a communication to Judge Archibald Duffield, received today, Henry M. Bradley, Jr., local historian, who is on a voyage in the Bahamas, writes that he’s soon expected to reach Cuba where he intended to go to San Juan Hill, the famous battlefield of the Spanish-American War.
Snow Provides Work And Play
SEYMOUR —The work of removing snow from the streets in the business section was started late yesterday afternoon by direction of the selectmen, and while no great headway was made because of the shortness of time, the job was again taken up this morning.
Saturday, Feb. 23, 1929
Demented Prisoner Attempts Suicide
ANSONIA —Anthony Sinkewicz, who jumped through a window of his lodging house on Broad Street shortly before midnight Thursday with an unloaded shotgun in his hand and rushed through the snow to Main Street clad only in his underwear to escape four men who he believed were thirsting for his blood, attempted suicide at the police station last night. Sinkewicz was found by Sgt. John Mahoney with a leather belt around his neck which he was trying to fasten to the iron bars of his cell. The belt was taken from him and the watch on the man was redoubled.
Sunday Afternoon Tea
DERBY — Tea will be served at the Community clubrooms on Elizabeth Street Sunday afternoon from 3 until 5 o’clock. Mrs. J.B. Russ, Mrs. T.E. Wrigley and Mrs. F.W. Stolzenberg, will be the hostesses.