Three Valley GOP Lawmakers Want Fire-School Money Released

Several state lawmakers from the Valley issued statements demanding Gov. Dannel Malloy release money to build a firefighter training facility in Beacon Falls.

The statements comes after money for the facility failed to make it to the state’s bonding commission, a group that approves borrowing money for a variety of projects.

The Valley Indy published a story Oct. 2 detailing the fact the state had not released money for the facility.

Valley Republicans have criticized the governor for the lack of movement on the long-in-the-planning stages school.

Building the new fire training school has been something that we have been working on for years,” said state Rep. Jason Perillo, R‑Shelton. The money is there for the school to be built and Governor Dan Malloy not approving the funding at the last Bond Commission is unacceptable. We need to get shovels in the ground, and waiting longer is putting firefighters at risk of injury.”

State Rep. McGorty, R‑Shelton: The Governor and Democrats on the Bond Commission need to stop playing games with the funding of the new fire training school in Beaco
n Falls. It’s a shame that the Governor is continuing to withhold these fund from being released. As you know, I will not back down and will continue to fight to get this money so firefighters can have a new and safe facility.”

From state Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria, R‑Seymour:

This project was started by Governor Jodi Rell’s administration and Governor Dan Malloy continues to prevent the project from moving forward. Valley firefighters need a safe facility that will prepare them for the risks they face daily to protect our communities and family.”

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