The Valley Independent Sentinel is mentioned this morning in some little periodical called “The New York Times.”
More importantly, Eddy’s Bake Shop in Ansonia gets a shout out!
“Our Towns” columnist Peter Applebome takes a look at the petri dish that is media in Connecticut, where a number of new, lean and mean, online-only publications are popping up.
Personally, I like the part:
“A longtime Connecticut journalist, Paul Bass, has become one of the most watched exemplars of scrappy, low-budget, high-impact local journalism — based on reporting, not attitude and opinion — through his New Haven Independent and Valley Independent Sentinel in the Naugatuck Valley.”
Our paczki eating contest coverage is called “small bore,” a phrase I had to look up (sorry, I grew up reading the Daily News).
I think it means “really, really, really, really good.”