In this episode of ‘Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast,’ Christine talks about his year’s show, which features legendary actress Pam Grier, Connecticut native Bill (“The Devil’s Rejects”) Moseley, and three cast mates from the original “Halloween.”
Click play to listen.
Tickets for the show are $25 at the door and autograph prices range from $20 to $50. There are separate kid and adult costume contests and a large space for vendors.
Click the image below for a schedule of events.
The Danbury Arena is at 1 Independence Way. There’s a parking garage very close to the venue and a number of restaurants in the immediate area.

Pam Grier as “Jackie Brown,” released in 1997.
Click the play button below to listen to the interview through Libsyn. You can listen while your phone is in rest mode when listening on Libsyn.
Visit the convention’s Facebook page for more information, and be sure to click play for a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the surprisingly stressful life of a horror convention organizer!
Click the image below for autograph price information (please note the date and the fact things can change).
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