Valley Indy Radio: The Great Give Is Coming!

The Great Give — an annual online event that raised more than $1 million last year for local nonprofits — is scheduled to start 8 a.m. May 1 and conclude 8 p.m. May 2.

On the latest episode of Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast,” I talk to Jackie Downing about what The Great Give” is and then specifically about a charity tap line” supporting this year’s Great Give” at Bad Sons, a brewery in Derby on Roosevelt Drive.

Click play to listen.

Downing is the director of grantmaking and nonprofit effectiveness for The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.

Navel Gazing,” by the way, is brought to you by

After the interview with Downing concludes, I talk about The Valley Indy’s plans for this year’s Great Give.” 

We use the event for our reader fund drive, and this year we hope to raise $10,000. Ethan Fry and I are planning to do a 36-hour webcast during The Great Give,” and we’re looking for nonprofits to come and talk to us during The Great Give.” 

Message us if you’re interested (and your nonprofit is based in Ansonia, Derby, Seymour or Shelton).

For those who don’t know, The Great Give” is, essentially, an easy way to use your credit card to donate money to the local nonprofit of your choice.

It lasts 36 hours, and there are a number of special prizes” for participating nonprofits. Example — extra money goes toward whichever local nonprofit brings in the most donors from the Naugatuck Valley.

Bad Sons” at 150 Roosevelt Drive routinely donates to Valley charities through its charity tap line. This month the money from that tap line will go toward a Great Give prize.”

Click the play button for more details.

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