A recent “Lock-Up” to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association raised $40,125 for the group.
The Ansonia-Derby Lock-Up was held on Feb. 16 at the Original Antonio’s in downtown Ansonia.
Several Valley officials and businesspeople participated — spending time “locked up” at Antonio’s while they tried to gather bail donations to get out.
The following were some of the top fundraisers, according to information released by the MDA on Feb. 23:
Antonio Teixeira — $3,250
Kurt Miller, Seymour First Selectman — $2,780
Aimee Bogush — $2,740
Dr. Charles Britton — $2,670
Father Patrick Burns — $2,185
Eileen Krugel, Ansonia grant writer — $2,005
Karen Fisher, lawyer — $1,909
Terry Goldson, Mead School principal — $1,737
Christine Stauffer, real estate agent — $1,475
Margaret Vernazza, director of Holy Rosary Catholic Church — $1,377
The money raised helps MDA provide families with services such as support groups, clinics, repairs of wheel chairs and leg braces, flu shots, summer camp and research for new treatments.
For more information about the Muscular Dystrophy Association, visit the group’s website.