Valley Young Republicans Kick Off Feb. 26

The first meeting of the Valley Young Republicans is scheduled for Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in Derby City Hall.

A new generation of political leadership is rising in the Greater Naugatuck Valley,” a prepared statement announcing the meeting said.

All young Republicans (loosely defined as age 18 through 35) living within the Greater Naugatuck Valley (including Ansonia, Derby, Seymour, Woodbridge) are invited to attend this free event and join the new group,” the announcement said.

The Valley Young Republicans will energize and provide opportunities for young individuals to make a positive impact in their communities and local government,” David Papcin, a member of the Ansonia Republican Town Committee who founded the group, said.

In association with Valley Republican Town Committees, we hope to advance the causes of financial responsibility, economic revitalization and improved quality-of-life for all residents of the Greater Naugatuck Valley,” Papcin said.

The group’s members plan on involving themselves in community outreach programs, volunteer in local and regional political campaigns, and enjoy the company of like-minded individuals dedicated to improving Connecticut through the application of common-sense conservative principles.”

Whether you’re just looking for community service hours, or looking for a starting point in Valley politics, we will provide the opportunity to do so,” said Papcin.

The group plans to hold regular meetings will be held the fourth Monday of every month in the Derby City Hall Aldermanic Chambers at 6:30 p.m.

Guest speakers for the Feb. 26 Republican Recharged!” event include:

  • Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti
  • Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan
  • State Senator George Logan
  • CT GOP Chairman J.R. Romano

Click here for the group’s Facebook page.

You can also follow them on Twitter @VYRepublicans.

Click here for an event page with details about the Feb. 26 meeting.

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