Replay: Valley Indy Great Give Webcast, Day 1

Did you miss any of the interviews during the first day of the Valley Indy’s Great Give Webcast?

Click the play list below to watch.

And, of course … Keep local news alive!

Original post from Tuesday morning follows:
Thirty-six hours. Three webcams. Two reporters. Hundreds of nonprofit agencies.

Welcome to the Valley Indy 2016 Great Give Webcast, sponsored by Griffin Hospital! Click play to watch!

The Great Give is a 36-hour online fundraising event for hundreds of nonprofit groups in the Valley and greater New Haven, including the Valley Indy.

Donation links for every Valley nonprofit participating in The Great Give is listed on the Valley Indy home page, under Extra,Extra.’

The Valley Indy Great Give Webcast is sponsored by:

In addition to the interviews, there will be live music, a late-night live movie commentary — and lots and lots of flop sweat, as two writers with little-to-no broadcast training try to talk for 36 hours straight in an effort to raise money and awareness of The Great Give.

Here is the broadcast schedule:

— — — — —Valley Indy 2016 Great Give Webcast Schedule— — — — —

— — — — —TUESDAY, MAY 3 — — — — —

8 a.m.
We’re live!

9 a.m.
Griffin Hospital

10 a.m.

11 a.m.
Valley Shakespeare Festival

12 p.m.
Valley United Way

1 p.m.

2 p.m.
Center Stage

3 p.m.
Literacy Volunteers

4 p.m.
Parent Child Resource Center

5 p.m.
Gary Parker of the Housatonic Council Boy Scouts

6 p.m.
DINNER with CT Folk!

7 p.m.
Treasured Time

8 p.m.
Reader Chris Bowen interviews the Valley Indy

9 p.m.
Seymour’s Christine Bucci-Caprilozzi, of the CT Horror Fest

10 p.m.
Screenwriter Joe Greenberg, horror makeup artist Brian Spears, via Google Hangout

11 p.m.
Stephen Krauchick of

— — — — —WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 — — — — —

12 a.m.
Live movie commentary, public domain flick Night of the Living Dead

1 a.m.
Seymour Pumpkin Festival

2 a.m.

3 a.m.
No sleeping!

4 a.m.
Mike Bellamy, WICC radio.

5 a.m.

6 a.m.

7 a.m.

8 a.m.
Ansonia Nature Center

9 a.m.
Spooner House

10 a.m.
Circle of Care

11 a.m.
BH Care

12 p.m.
Bash the Valley Indy”

12:30 p.m.
Valley Indy calls into Hersam-Acorn’s CT Pulse Show”

1 p.m.
Boys and Girls Club

2 p.m.

3 p.m.
Seymour Pink

4 p.m.
St. Mary-St. Michael School

5 p.m.
Valley Arts Council

6 p.m.
Masters Table

7 p.m.

8 p.m.

Keep local reporting alive.