A Google Map showing the Derby Dam Hydroelectric Project located on the Housatonic River
The water level of Lake Housatonic will be lowered on Sunday, June 10, 2018 beginning at 12:00 am, so that the Derby Dam can repair flashboards and perform routine maintenance.
Lowering the water level of Lake Housatonic is contingent upon river flow conditions as well as First Light Power Resources’ need to generate electricity at the time of the drawdown at its upstream dams.
The water level will start to return to normal no later than Friday, June 15 at 9:00 PM if work is completed.
If it should not be feasible to draw down Lake Housatonic on the primary date, the alternative start date will be Sunday, June 17, 2018, and ending no later than Friday, June 22 at 9:00 pm.
McCallum Enterprises of Stratford owns and operates the Derby Dam Hydroelectric Project located on the Housatonic River.
For updates regarding this scheduled drawdown, please call our office at (203) 386‑1745.