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Computer Classes To Be Offered At Shelton Plumb Library

SHELTON The Plumb Memorial Library at 65 Wooster St. will be offering a special computer class on Tuesday, April 22nd at 2:00 pm. The class will be taught by Mike Ingber, Computer Consultant and owner of Upward Business Systems of Oxford.

The class is: Essential Computer Basics (or Computers for the Confused: Answers to Your Computer Questions). The class will be held in the lower level Meeting Room. The objective of the seminar is to learn to do more with your computers. The class will explore how you can enhance the use you get from your computer. Please bring any questions you have.

No prior knowledge is required for this class and there will be a Q and A at the end. No computer is required for attendance.

The program is free and open to the public. Registration is required and can be done by calling the Adult Dept at Plumb Memorial Public Library at (203) 924‑1580 ext. 5102 or by registering on the Library’s website at http://sheltonlibrarysystem.org.

Hazardous Waste Collection Event Scheduled April 12 In Naugatuck

NAUGATUCKDo you have paints, cleaners, and other chemicals in your home that you need to dispose of? The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) and participating municipalities will sponsor a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Paint Collection event on Saturday, April 12, 2025. The collection will take place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Naugatuck Transfer Station 34 Andrew Ave., Naugatuck, CT 06770. 

The collection is open to residents of the following communities: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethlehem, Derby, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, Thomaston, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott, and Woodbury. There is no charge to residents. 

Proof of residency, such as a driver’s license, tax bill, or other identification, is required for entry. There is no need to line up before the 8 a.m. start time.


Route 8 Construction Update For The Weeks Of March 17 & 24, 2025

Connecticut DOT

The following is copied from the Connecticut DOT website:

Why is Route 8 asphalt being removed? Visit our FAQ page here to find out.

Work will be in the daytime, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.

  • Both northbound and southbound traffic lanes have moved to the right shoulder to create a work area for median barrier replacement between Exit 20 and 22 (New Exits 17 – 18), and to create a second work area for median barrier replacement after Exit 22 (New Exit 18).
  • Median barrier and median drainage are being replaced.
  • Pipe repair and lining activities will continue throughout, northbound and southbound from Exit 15 to 22 (New Exits 12B-18).

Master's Table Community Meals To Host Trivia Fundraiser April 23

ANSONIA/DERBYMaster’s Table Community Meals will host its second annual trivia fundraiser at 7 m. April 23 at the Tipsy Tomato (656 New Haven Ave.) in Derby.

Tickets are $25 per person. You can purchase tickets by scanning the QR code above, or by going to MastersTableMeals.org and navigating to the event’ section.


Work With A Real Estate Professional To List It Right The First Time!

Valley residents, are you gearing up for the Spring selling and buying season in many of the valley cities and towns?

Interest rates are coming down and home sellers that have been riding out the market are ready to negotiate sales with qualified buyers. While demand remains high and inventory low, if you have been planning to enter the market, now might be your best opportunity of 2025 to so.


Derby Police Request 4.36 Percent Funding Increase

Derby Police Chief Scott Todd addresses the tax board March 11.

DERBY – The administration at the Derby Police Department is asking the city’s tax board for a 4.36 percent increase in funding to police the city in the 2025 – 2026 fiscal year.

The current police department budget is $5,000,928. The proposed police budget is $5,229,091. The budget-to-budget spending increase totals $228,163.

In a memo to city hall, Derby Police Department Chief Scott Todd said the increase is being driven by a new contract with the police officers’ union. The chief’s paperwork shows the new contract accounting for roughly $166,000, or 72 percent, of the $228,163 increase.


Seymour Government Votes To Fund Emergency Management With Stipend

Seymour Fire Chief & OEM Director Chris Edwards

SEYMOURThe Board of Selectpersons at its Feb. 18 meeting unanimously approved making the emergency management director’s job a paid position with a $10,000 stipend.

The part-time position had been a volunteer position without pay.

In the wake of the devastating Aug. 18 flooding last year, the board decided to consider making changes to the position.

Fire Chief Chris Edwards currently holds the position as emergency management director. His appointment was approved by First Selectwoman Annmarie Drugonis, with his term set to expire in December 2025.


Bungay/Botsford Road Reconstruction Starting In Seymour

Seymour Town Engineer Bryan Nesteriak talks to resident John Barto.

SEYMOURThe reconstruction of West Church Street and Bungay and Botsford roads is scheduled to start this month.

Seymour Town Engineer Bryan Nesteriak led an informational meeting about the road project March 5 at Seymour Town Hall. Nesteriak, whose firm B&B Engineering is serving as project engineer, gave about 40 residents in attendance an overview of the project and a construction timeline.

The town last December awarded a $5.7 million bid to DeRita & Son Construction Co., Inc., based out of Middletown, to do the job. 

The money is coming from the state’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program” (LOTCIP). The town has an additional $1.1 million from LOTCIP on top of the $5.7 million to cover any project contingencies. 


Umi Buffet Opens On Pershing Drive In Derby

City officials welcomed Umi Buffet, a new Chinese/Japanese American fusion restaurant in the Shoprite Plaza at 49 Pershing Drive, which opened for business on Thursday (March 13). Left to right are: employee Jeffrey Weng, the owner's son; Aldermanic President George Kurtyka; Alderwoman Amy Pettinichi; plaza owner Joe Cingari; Mayor Joe DiMartino; restaurant manager Missy Lin; restaurant co-owner Zhen Weng; Valley Chamber of Commerce President Bill Purcell and restaurant co-owner Andy Weng.

DERBYUmi Buffet, a new restaurant featuring a fusion of Chinese, Japanese and American food, along with sushi and a Hibachi grill, opened for business in the Shoprite Plaza on Thursday (March 13).

Mayor Joseph DiMartino, along with several city officials and Valley Chamber of Commerce President Bill Purcell, welcomed the restaurant, located at 49 Pershing Drive with an official ribbon ceremony.

The restaurant’s co-owners, Zhen Weng and his brother Andy Weng, own several other restaurants in Boston, New York and West Virginia, and have more than 30 years experience in the industry.
