2023 Connecticut State Envirothon

DERBY — The 31st Connecticut Envirothon state competition is being held in person on May 18th at the Kellogg Environmental Center in Derby, Connecticut. The event is being held 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM. This competitive academic event features teams of high school students facing off against each other on topics such as aquatics, wildlife, foresty and soils. In addition, this year a current issue event deals with Adapting to Climate Change being the Current Issue topic. The student teams will deliver presentations to a panel of judges focusing on an action to reduce the impacts of climate change, the teams are requesting funding from the Climate Resilience Fund, managed by CT DEEP.

This year the CT Envirothon is expecting about 25 school teams to compete at the event, from a range of municipalities across Connecticut. These students have been participating in workshops and training opportunities with environmental professionals over the course of the academic year. The teams have prepared powerpoint presentations that respond to a scenario of how to best manage the impacts of climate change in their community and specifically attempt to provide solutions for vulnerable populations in the community. 

The Connecticut Envirothon continues to build up our in person event after several virtual events due to COVID. This is the second year of back to an in-person competition and we will have students exploring a soil pit and report on its characteristics and handling specimens of aquatic critters such as fish native to Connecticut. We are proud of the hands-on learning opportunities that we provide to our participating teams” said CT Envirothon Chairperson Karen Nelson. 

We are excited to be at the Kellogg Center for the competition this year. With climate change as the current topic being so relevant to every community in Connecticut, it will be very interesting to see the proposed projects from the student teams.” said CT Envirothon Program Coordinator Ginny Patsun. 

The Connecticut Envirothon will be awarding t‑shirts and other prizes to all the participating teams. The top three school teams will receive a plaque and individual medals, and the highest score for each of the competitive stations will also receive plaques. The overall winning team at the event on May 18th will represent the State of Connecticut at the NCF – Envirothon held July 23 — 29th in Tantramar (Sackville), New Brunswick, Canada on the campus of Mount Allison University 

The Connecticut Envirothon is coordinated by Conservation Districts from across the State. Learn more about these natural resource organizations here: www.conservect.org Additionally in Connecticut, the Envirothon is sponsored by, CT DEEP, USDA NRCS, and other stakeholder groups. The program is managed by an all-volunteer executive board and a steering committee. Technical expertise for workshops and educational materials is provided by educators and specialists from a range of environmental organizations across the State of Connecticut. 

For more information on the Envirothon program, contact CT Envirothon via the North Central Conservation District by phone (860) 875‑3881, email CTenvirothon@gmail.com, or visit the website at www.CTenvirothon.org

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