Housatonic Council BSA, based in Derby, recently recognized 30 scouts from the Lower Naugatuck Valley area who achieved Eagle Scout Rank in 2013 at a dinner held at the LaSala Banquet Hall in Derby.
Top row from left – Kyle E. Barber, Troop 27 Shelton, Daniel M. Vigezzi, Troop 27, Joshua Kreitler, Troop 27, James Rossik, Troop 11 Seymour, James A. Butler, Troop 3 Derby, Michael R. Neuendorf, Troop 3, Logan Clair, Troop 27, Wesley A. Sekelsky, Troop 27, Matthew R. Vittori, Troop 27, Middle row – Joshua Thomas Eighmie, Troop 11, Matthew R. Maciejko, Troop 65 Oxford, Christopher M. Haack, Troop 19 Shelton, Liam Dylan Davis, Troop 55 Shelton, Justin J. Patten, Troop 3, David W. Ahearn Jr, Troop 3, Ryan M. Caruso, Troop 27, Brett Butler, Troop 28 Shelton, Steven William Kandro, Troop 19, Andrew Kyle Miller, Troop 27, and State Superior Court Judge Richard Marano, Sr.. Bottom Row – Noah P. Lisewski, Troop 65, Kevin C. King, Troop 1 Oxford, Joshua A. Moscato, Troop 3, Ryan C. Cafaro, Troop 3, Jeremiah D. Kingston, Troop 105 Ansonia, William J. Kowarik, Troop 3 and Andrew J. Devine, Troop 3. Not Pictured – Gabriel Gene Brown, Troop 55, Christopher G. Friend, Troop 19, Daniel R. Heiden, Troop 55, and Quinton T. Hongo, Troop 101 Huntington. The Eagle Scouts led significant community projects from nature trail bridge building to collection drives for the Spooner House homeless shelter to cemetery and history center repair projects, that tallied more than 5,000 hours of service. Nationally fewer than 4% of all scouts achieve Eagle Scout Rank.
The Eagle Scouts received recognition from Shelton Mayor and Housatonic Council Executive Board member Mark Lauretti, Derby Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks Exalted Ruler Jerry Coolidge and Francois W. Pelletier CW3 USARMY NG CTARNG (US) representing the Military Order of World Wars.
Eagle Scout Michael Yevich, Jr. served as Master of Ceremonies. Housatonic Council Silver Beaver recipient and Eagle Scout Michael Kellogg was the guest speaker. State of Connecticut Superior Court Judge and Past Housatonic Council President Richard Marano, Sr. was presented with the National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award for his service to Scouting and the community.
The event was under the direction of Housatonic Council Advancement Committee Chairman James Frovarp.
For more information on joining the adventures of Scouting contact the Housatonic Council Service Center at 203 – 734-3329 or visit housatonicbsa.org.