Alderman Candidate Wants Turf Fields, Better Planning, Communication

We are one month away from Election Day in Ansonia. As prospective leaders of our community we need to have substantive plans and goals in place for how we intend to make improvements to our community.

We need to have a one-year plan, a three-year plan and a five-year plan as well as clear and specific guidelines on how we intend to achieve these goals.

A goal that I have that I would like to see our mayors support in implementing is to turf our fields. All our neighboring towns have already started the process of converting their fields to turf and although it can be a slow process, I know that Ansonia could tackle this goal and greatly benefit from it. August was one of our driest months on record and our fields and children felt the effects of this as a result. The fields were rock solid and practically impossible for our kids to play on. We are now in October and entering the rainy season which will undoubtedly create a mess on our fields with flooding and conditions which will once again make it impossible for our kids to play. If we make it a goal to turf one field every two years, it will greatly benefit the city and its residents. I would propose that we turf our first field in honor and memory of all the children of Ansonia who are no longer with us and rename it Angels Field. Another benefit of this is it will increase our property value and will attract more families.

Another proposal I would like to see implemented is for there to be more transparency and communication between aldermen and their wards. These are our representatives and we need to know what their plans are to meet our needs. There also needs to be a greater sense of urgency on their parts when reacting to issues that directly affect their community. With the hilltop burglaries that were rampant over the summer it was absolutely unacceptable that it took a month and a half for a neighborhood block watch to be created. As leaders of our community, they should have acted with much more speed and efficiency. 

Open lines of communication with the leaders of our city is also an imperative factor in having members of our community feel informed. I have said it before: social media is an excellent tool to utilize for communication and our aldermen should be using every avenue to keep the lines of communication open. 

The final thing I would like to see is a clear and concise one-year, three-year and five-year plan from both incumbent Mayor David Cassetti and democratic candidate Ed Adamowski. This will help ensure that the residents will make an informed decision and vote for the candidate who shares their goals for the future of our wonderful city. Our city and its people deserve the best and we should always strive to achieve just that. 

The writer is an Ansonia resident and candidate for Alderman in the Seventh Ward.

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