Ansonia Alderman: GOP ‘Just Getting Started’

As I come to the end of my first term as Sixth Ward Alderman, I’d like to say THANKS to:

  • Die-hard Democrats who took a chance voting Republican two years ago. That risk has paid off, literally.
  • Residents who have come forward with concerns, suggestions and support.
  • Mayor Cassetti and his staff at City Hall for their help with issues in the 6th Ward and city-wide matters I’ve been involved with. They have made themselves completely available to me on behalf of my constituents and give us the team approach needed to tackle anything.
  • Public Works Department, who have been working a high operational tempo as this freshman administration strives to make Ansonia better than before. Although limited manpower and funding makes their efforts challenging, they have been responsive to every item I have brought to them. I would also point out that Public Works has an emergency response role when called to resolve any number of safety issues 24/7.
  • Police Department, for their aggressive efforts in regards to the hilltop burglaries. They created an impossible environment for the criminal to operate in, pushing him over the city line, where Derby PD made the arrest. I encourage all citizens to take the time to acknowledge Ansonia’s Finest for all they do in a truly risky business.
  • Fire Department. As a Fire Commissioner, I have gotten to know many volunteer firemen and continue to learn about their operations. I think that since the sirens and air horns that once summoned firemen to calls have been silenced (calls now come in over personal electronic devices), the public has lost the sense of how busy the FD is. In a nutshell, alarms go off all the time, sometimes back to back or one on top of another. Really often, when bed time or inclement weather calls come in, I say to myself I’m glad I don’t have to go to that.” At the same time, I have a great appreciation for those who do, as well as the understanding saints they live with. New volunteers are always welcome to join Ansonia’s Bravest, so stop in at one of the firehouses and inquire.
  • Ansonia Rescue Medical Services. We are very fortunate to have ARMS downtown. They, along with the rest of our emergency services, give us the best qualified resources in our hours of need and provide us with a blanket of security and assurance that not all communities can boast. I encourage your prayers on all their behalves.

With much more still to do, things are looking good in Ansonia. News articles, financial reports and lower tax rates prove it out. It’s pretty obvious that Ansonia is changing for the better. We even have fireworks in the summer now. Let’s keep moving forward, continue to progress, focus on goals and results, and live Mayor Cassetti’s motto It CAN be done” with the team that has delivered much in two short years. We are just getting started. GOD BLESS ANSONIA! VOTE!

The writer represents Ansonia’s Sixth Ward on the Board of Aldermen and is running for re-election on the Republican line.

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