Ansonia, Derby School Volunteers Honored

CONTRIBUTEDMario Ciccarini, Principal of Bradley School in Derby, and Joe Apicella and Sherrod McNeill of Prendergast School in Ansonia are pictured here with Anne Stankye, Richard Breeden, and Dora Olivera as they were honored at the Connecticut Association of Schools Volunteer Banquet at the Aqua Turf Club March 11.

CAS proudly celebrates this event annually to publicly acknowledge the work of parents and other volunteers for their contributions to schools across the state.

Over 550 participants from 78 elementary, middle and high schools were treated to a four course meal and were entertained by pianist Kim Quinn from Albert D. Griswold Middle School in Rocky Hill. 

Pictured in photo are: Back row left to right: Mario Ciccarini, Principal, Bradley School; Joe Apicella, Principal, Prendergast School; Elaine Breeden, wife of Rich Breeden; Sherrod McNeill, Assistant Principal, Prendergast School. Front row left to right: Anne Stankye, Volunteer Award recipient from Bradley School; Belinda Rivera, daughter of Dora Olivera; Dora Olivera, Volunteer Award recipient from Prendergast School; Rich Breeden, Volunteer Award recipient from Prendergast School.

Dora Olivera was one recipient from Prendergast School. Dora has become a regular grandparent volunteer at Prendergast School, helping in the main office.

Dora began her volunteering this year when her grandchildren, Nyasia and Jacob began. From making copies to distributing notices, Dora helps make our school run smoothly. 

Always willing to go out of her way to help others, she has taken over as our staff photographer” at many of our events. 

Rich Breeden was also recognized by Prendergast School. Rich is another one of our grandparent volunteers. He has been helping at Prendergast School for the past four years starting when his granddaughter, Viviana, began school here.

Rich can frequently be seen helping in our cafeteria with lunch duty. Rich has also become our House Band,” providing his musical talents at many of our events. From playing his holiday songs during our December Pancakes with Santa, to playing his Halloween music at our Haunted Halls events, Rich helps to entertain the children, parents and the staff of Prendergast. 

Anne Stankye was recognized by Bradley School. Anne Stankye has been volunteering at Bradley School for many years.

She works with Kindergarten students and their teachers, whether it is making copies, helping students with arts and crafts, or working with a small group of students at a station.

She is a lifelong resident of Derby and a role model for our students.

Honorees were presented with plaques and corsages to commemorate their service. 

John Maziarz, Commercial Sales Account Manager for Connecticut Natural Gas and a volunteer for Junior Achievement was the keynote speaker. In his remarks Mr. Maziarz stated that Volunteers are the silent heroes of our schools.”

He went on to say that “ … they may be silent in what they do, but their impact is great.” 

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