Ansonia School Board Member: Quality Of Schools Defines Town

Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself. I am Christopher Phipps and I am seeking re-election to the Ansonia Board of Education. I have had the privilege of working for and supporting our students, teachers, and administrators for the past few years and look forward to continuing my efforts to improve the educational experience for our students.

I am a lifelong resident of Ansonia and a 1982 graduate of AHS. My two daughters are also graduates of AHS; my son is currently a Senior. My children are the 4th generation of the Phipps family to have graduated from AHS. I have also served the community in a volunteer capacity as a member of the Ansonia Recreation Commission for 7 years and thoroughly enjoyed coaching youth sports for over 15 years. 

My extensive interaction with the youth of Ansonia allowed me the opportunity to witness the potential they possess. The school system is tasked with the obligation of helping all of our children reach their maximum potential. It is my responsibility as a school board member to provide the necessary support in order for our children to be successful. 

We are fortunate to have very dedicated and caring teachers (including all staff members) educating our children. We must explore options available to raise the retention level of teachers and staff. These are the teachers and staff that have helped our students achieve higher standardized test scores and removed the underperforming label our school district previously had. Standardized test scores certainly do not tell the complete story of our students’ growth and achievement, but unfortunately that is how we are assessed. While we have experienced improvement, more work is needed. I will continue to help provide the resources and support to improve our educational services to all students. As we improve, we will continue to set our standards and expectations higher, for both students and staff. 

While supporting our students, teachers, and staff, the Board must also maintain fiscal responsibility and accountability to the taxpayers of Ansonia. The City has been very supportive financially of education; however the system remains dramatically underfunded. A very large part of this deficit is the State of Connecticut not fulfilling their own mandated funding of our schools, underfunding Ansonia by millions of dollars each year. As a Board, we will continue to fight in Hartford to ensure that our children receive the money that is needed to provide all the educational opportunities they deserve. 

There is much talk in this election about economic development. Educating our children is one of the best investments the City can make. In many ways, the quality of the school system defines the town. Well regarded school systems attract homebuyers and ultimately business. The benefits of a strong school system are too many to list here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please support me with your vote on Election Day so that I may continue to serve our children and community. 

The writer is a Board of Education member running for re-election on the Democratic line.

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