Ansonia Town Clerk: Experience, Training Make Me Qualified

My name is Elizabeth Shortell Lynch and I am a candidate for re-election as Town and City Clerk in Ansonia, where I have lived my entire life. My parents raised eleven children in Ansonia, my husband and I raised our three sons here and my roots in our city span six generations. 

I was elected Town Clerk in 2013 after having been the Assistant Town Clerk for three years. I have more than 20 years of experience in municipal government and as Town Clerk, it is my duty to provide the professional link between the citizens, governing bodies and agencies of government, regardless of party affiliation. 

Our staff is professionally trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of the services we provide and I am proud of the exemplary, bi-partisan service our office provides to each and every person we encounter on a daily basis.

The office of the Town Clerk is about relationships and protecting the documents related to many of the special events in the lives of the people in our community. We may issue you a copy of your birth certificate, your first fishing license, register you to vote, issue your marriage license as well as record the deed of the purchase of your very first home, all very special and memorable rights of passage. 

We also offer support in times when a visit to our office is necessary due to the loss of a loved one. No matter the reason, we are there to do whatever is needed and the example set by the faithful and loyal Town Clerks who served before us is the model we, as public servants, follow in our office today.

Our office issues licenses for dogs, kennels, hunting, fishing, trapping and archery. We record and maintain the minutes and agendas of all City of Ansonia boards and commissions and post notices of such. I also serve as the Clerk to the Board of Aldermen; collect and maintain records of receipt of various revenues for the City of Ansonia and the State of Connecticut as well as doing whatever is required under the various and sundry statutes and Charter requirements in order to carry out the proper and necessary functions of government and record keeping. 

I am confident that my years of experience and training best qualifies me for this multi-faceted position and that you take that into consideration as you cast your vote on Election Day. Thank you.

The writer is Ansonia’s Town and City Clerk and is running for re-election on the Democratic line.

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