CL&P President Says Company Is Talking To Towns

The president of Connecticut Light and Power said the company provided town briefing sheets” to each municipality affected by Saturday’s Nor’easter.

The briefing sheets are supposed to give the towns a report of what the utility company is doing specifically in that town in terms of power restoration.

“We are communicating information as we get to both our customers and our town,” CL&P president Jeff Butler said during an 8:30 a.m. press conference at the state’s emergency operations center.

CL&P has 740,000 customers without power — including about 12,700 customers in Oxford and Seymour.

Butler did not give an estimate as to when power will be restored.

He said there were 382 crews working in the state Monday morning, with another 192 crews arriving by the end of the day.

United Illuminating expects to have all of its customers back online by Monday night. About 70 crews will start helping CL&P Tuesday morning.

Butler said the priorities Monday were to clear roads that are blocked by trees.

Another priority is to have specialize crews start fixing high-voltage transmission lines. Those are the lines that feed electrical substations. The electricity then leaves the substation through distribution lines into homes and businesses.

Butler said damaged transmission lines in Connecticut’s northwest area and the state’s midsection are a priority.

Gov. Dan Malloy said carbon monoxide poisoning poses a serious threat to residents. He urged people to be cautious with generators. In addition, don’t bring gas-powered grills into your home.

“Carbon monoxide may be our biggest enemy at the moment.,” Malloy said.

One person in Oxford was overcome by carbon monoxide fumes Saturday night in Oxford while refueling a generator in his garage.

Two Connecticut residents died this weekend in storm-related car crashes, Malloy said.

Updated shelter information is available by dialing 211.

Regarding trick or treating tonight for Halloween, Malloy said the decision is being left to local First Selectman and Mayors.

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