Coming Tuesday: The Valley Indy Great Give Webcast

Stay up all night with the Valley Indy as we spread the word about The Great Give!

Reporter Ethan Fry and I are planning to do a live webcast from our office in Ansonia for the duration of The Great Give.

The Valley Indy’s Great Give webcast will start at 8 a.m. on May 5 (Tuesday) and conclude at 8 p.m. on May 6 (Wednesday).

What’s The Great Give, you ask?

Think of it as a 36-hour online telethon for area nonprofits.

It’s put together by the good folks at The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and The Valley Community Foundation. Those two groups will be putting up a whole bunch of prizes” during The Great Give that will allow nonprofits to collect more money.

People will have the opportunity to make quick and easy donations with their credit cards through The Great Give website.

Please Donate

Last year The Great Give motivated people to donate more than $700,000 to nonprofits in the Valley and greater New Haven.

There are more than 400 area nonprofits participating — including about 40 here in the Naugatuck Valley.

Visit our home page and look under extra extra,” for donation links to every Valley nonprofit participating.

(By the way — the nonprofits are vetted, and detailed information is available to the public. Once you click any of the donation links on our home page, you can also find the nonprofit’s Give Greater“ profile. From there you can find out more about what the nonprofit does — and even look through financial audits and Form 990s filed with the IRS.)

The Valley Indy is participating in the Great Give and we encourage you to make a donation through this link starting at 8 a.m. May 5.

The Valley Indy Webcast

During our 36-hour webcast May 5 and 6, we plan to chat with representatives from about a dozen Valley nonprofits — along with a few surprise guests!

The video player will be on the home page of starting at 8 a.m. May 5. We’ll make it available on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages as well.

Among the guests scheduled to appear:

Valley Shakespeare Festival
The Valley Community Foundation
Center Stage Theatre
Seymour Pink
Derby High Human Relations Club
Derby Community Endowment
Valley Arts Council
Valley United Way
Troop 3 Boy Scouts
Valley Emergency Medical Services
Area Congregations Together
Shelton Robotics

The schedule is embedded below. Use your cursor to scroll through all the details:

We limited the guest list somewhat because … well, we’ve never done something like this before and we don’t want to disappoint people if our cables get crossed or the webcam breaks. Keep your fingers crossed!

But, if your Valley nonprofit group is participating in The Great Give and you want to shout about it, we can take phone calls during the never-ending webcast. Feel free to tune in and then call us when we open the phone lines at 203 446 2335.

Please join us starting at 8 a.m. May 5!

Keep local reporting alive.