UPDATE: Shipment Delays Cancel COVID At-Home Test Kit Distribution In Ansonia, Derby, Seymour And Shelton



4:29 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 30: 

**Today’s COVID-19 at-home test kit distribution events in Ansonia, Derby Seymour and Shelton are canceled due to shipping delays. The Hartford Courant is reporting that the delay has canceled all distribution events involving the state-supplied kits today.**

Click here for Ansonia’s announcement.

Click here for Seymour’s announcement.

Click here for Shelton’s announcement.

Click here for Derby’s announcement.


5:48 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29: At 4:09 p.m. today, Gov. Ned Lamont’s office sent a press release saying the shipment of COVID-19 at-home rapid tests was delayed on the west coast. 

My administration is in regular communication with city and town leaders, and we will provide updates as we have them in order to distribute the tests as quickly as possible,” the statement reads.

That means the info below, in the body of this story, could change.

SHELTON plans on doing a Code Red at 8 a.m. Thursday updating the public on the city’s plans to distribute test kits.

DERBY FD said the org still plans to have its distribution Friday.

The CITY OF ANSONIA said it remains to be seen whether its distribution will happen Thursday, given the news from the governor. 

At this time, it is unclear whether this expected delay will impact tomorrow afternoon’s distribution event in Ansonia. Mayor David S. Cassetti and his staff are monitoring the situation, and will provide an update tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Please check the City of Ansonia’s Facebook page tomorrow morning for the latest news.”

The TOWN OF SEYMOUR said officials will update the public at 10 a.m. Thursday about a distribution event scheduled for Thursday afternoon.

The State cannot assure that the testing kits will arrive in time for Seymour’s event, scheduled from 4 PM – 6 PM tomorrow. The State has promised to update us when they have more information. At this time, we have chosen not to cancel the event given the possibility that the testing kits may still arrive in time. We will issue an update by 10 AM tomorrow via Code Red, Facebook and the Town’s website to confirm or cancel tomorrow’s event.”


With positive COVID-19 test results climbing dramatically thanks to the omicron variant (or not) — and a shortage of available testing slots — federal, state and local officials are giving away at-home testing kits.

Click here
to try to find a testing site, though it’s anything but easy right now to find a test.

Click here
for the hours of operation of a vaccination clinic at a Griffin Health facility in Shelton.

Click here for a story from the CT Mirror on the state’s 14.9 positivity rate as of Tuesday, Dec. 28.


The City of Ansonia has obtained over 2,000 self-test kits from the State of Connecticut (via the Federal Government), each containing 2 rapid tests. 

City staff will be distributing these tests to Ansonia residents – FREE OF CHARGE – this Thursday, December 30th, from 1pm to 4pm at Nolan Field. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!

Please bring your driver’s license, photo ID or piece of mail addressed to you, as proof of Ansonia residency. Each Ansonia family will be provided with 2 free kits. Again, each kit contains 2 tests.

The virus is now spreading rapidly through our community. Testing for COVID-19 is an easy way to help control its spread.Remember: this Thursday, from 1pm to 3pm at NOLAN FIELD, located at 111 Wakelee Avenue, Ansonia. Please stop by to pick up your FREE rapid tests.

(Ansonia updated its info after an initial post, this post shows what published at 3:36 p.m. Tuesday)


The Derby Fire Department will be assisting the Derby Emergency Management with distribution of home Covid-19 test kits.

Where: Derby High School parking long lot (75 Chatfield St)

When: Friday 12/31/21 from 10:00am until 2:00pm

Limit: Four kits per family.

Must have ID showing Derby Residency

Any questions please email:



Seymour has obtained a limited supply of at-home Covid tests from the State. 

Each testing kit contains two rapid tests. 

Town staff and volunteers will distribute testing kits to Seymour residents on a first-come-first-serve basis, free of charge on Thursday, December 30th, from 4 PM – 6 PM at Seymour High School. 

If all tests are distributed, we will close early.

Tests will be distributed to Seymour residents only. 

Please bring your driver’s license or piece of addressed mail to establish proof of residency. 

Due to limited supplies, each vehicle will receive a maximum of two testing kits (4 tests total). 

Again, test kits will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please be respectful to your fellow residents and those staffing the event and take only what you need.

Residents must enter Seymour High School via Botsford Road. Police officers will be present to direct traffic.

(Source: Email from the Town’s Code Red system)


The City of Shelton will be distributing Covid-19 at-home rapid tests.

The purpose of this distribution is to provide test kits to be used this week to reduce the spread of the Omicron virus and to supplement existing testing. The primary focus is for residents who have a known exposure or are symptomatic and are unable to find another test.

The City of Shelton is getting approximately 8,000 tests and they will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Each vehicle will receive two kits. You must be a Shelton resident and identification is required to receive a test.

The distribution will take place on Thursday, December 30th at 1:00pm at Shelton High School. Entrance to the high school will only be from North Constitution Blvd. The high school Meadow St entrance will be closed to all vehicular traffic.



The Naugatuck Valley Health District is also compiling a list of at-home test giveaways on its Facebook page.

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