Derby-Shelton Rotary Money Will Help Kids And Their Families

On Thursday, February 27, 2014, the Derby-Shelton Rotary Club presented the Parent Child Resource Center (PCRC) with a check for $3,500 to support the Center’s Adolescent TRECC Program. 

The TRECC (Training in Relationships and Emotional Competency for Children) Program focuses on children who are having difficulty meeting school, family or social expectations due to serious behavioral and social disturbances.

TRECC includes group therapy, family therapy, and art and drama therapies. 

PCRCs TRECC program operates after school, three hours per day, five days per week. Included are three separate age groups including the adolescent group, which the members have named the Teen Titans. 

Common problems addressed in the adolescent group include depression, anxiety, self-harming behaviors, school avoidance, trauma and healthy relationships.

The funds from the Derby-Shelton Rotary Club will help pay for Parent Child Resource Center staff and program supplies for the adolescent group from April through June, 2014.

We truly appreciate the ongoing support of the Derby Shelton Rotary Club”, said the Center’s CEO Michael Wynne. Treating mental health problems in children can help save lives and restore hope for the children and their families.”

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