The veterans dedicated a monument to mark the occasion.
State and local dignitaries attended the event. Click the video to watch some of the speeches.
“Today we’re gathered here to dedicate a monument in honor of, not only the men who served our country, but the men who started the American Legion 100 years ago,” Erwin ​“Gus” Williams, past commander of Post 24, said. ​“Their names will appear on our monument.”
Williams shared some of the history of Post 24, which had 67 commanders over the years.

Post 24 received its temporary charter on July 31, 1919 and its permanent charter on July 1, 1921, according to Williams.
The post is named after Collins, who was the first man from Derby to die from wounds in battle during World War I.
Mayor Richard Dzieken, a veteran himself and a member of the American Legion, proclaimed Saturday, July 27, 2019, to be John H. Collins American Legion Post 24 Centennial Day.

A proclamation from the Connecticut General Assembly was presented to Post 24 by the state delegation of representatives Nicole Klarides-Ditria, Themis Klarides, Kara Rochelle and Sen. George S. Logan.
It was signed by Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney, Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz and Secretary of the State Denise Merrill.
Frazier Brinley, the legion’s Centennial Chairman, read a poem, ​“Why I am a Legionnaire,” by an anonymous author.

The guest speaker was Thomas Flowers, immediate past department commander from Post 196 in Milford. Flowers said the official birthday of the American Legion was March 15 to 17, 1919.
He said American Legion posts are the foundation of the nonprofit organization’s Four Pillars of Service: veterans affairs and rehabilitation, national security, Americanism and children and youth.
Members of the Centennial Committee unveiled the monument and placed a wreath in front of it. Rifles sounded from a firing squad and Taps was played.
The 102d Army Band Leader SFC Chris Desjardins led his band in ​“God Bless America” and other patriotic songs throughout the ceremony.
Michael Kearney, the Post 10 Seymour Color Guard captain, led the Posting of Colors, Sarah Widomski sang the National Anthem and Boy Scouts Troop 3 Derby Post 24 took part in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commander William Bowers gave the introduction of guests.
The Rev. Christopher Tiano of Our Lady Queen of the Apostles Parish gave the Invocation and The Rev. Vincent Provenzano, pastor of New Life Community Church, gave the Benediction.