WATERTOWN — The following information is from a press release:
When: April 6, 2024
Time: 9:00 am ‑1:00 pm & 1 pm ‑2 pm
Where: Watertown High School, 324 French St, Watertown, CT 06795
What: Officers from the Watertown, Waterbury, Naugatuck, and Southern Connecticut State University Police Department will practice routine traffic stops with drivers and passengers with autism so all participants will learn how to effectively utilize the Blue Envelope while stopped by a police officer.
The Blue Envelope is a Connecticut DMV program that provides a blue colored envelope with written instructions to assist motorists with autism spectrum disorder navigate a traffic stop. The envelope also alerts police officers that the individual has autism so that enhanced communication can be reached between the two. https://portal.ct.gov/DMV/Licenses/Licenses/Autism-awareness
As with all individuals, a traffic stop can be upsetting but for an individual with autism it can have an even greater impact. This program is designed to alleviate some of the stress this situation may lead to by giving individuals an opportunity to interact with an officer in a much less traumatic way.
Participants will utilize their own vehicle for the practice sessions. Before practice stops, participants will review the process of using the blue envelope and what to expect at a traffic stop. They will also get to meet and interact with some of the officers from the Police Departments.
Directly following the traffic stop practice the Watertown Police and Sun, Moon, & Stars, Inc. will host a meet-and-greet at the Watertown Police Station. This is an opportunity for families with children on the autism spectrum to meet Watertown Police Officers as well as our Officers to meet our families.
This Meet & Greet will include a short presentation, meeting officers and a tour of the Watertown Police Station. Families will also be able to meet our Watertown Public Schools Resource Officers along with our Canine officer. Lite refreshments will be made available.
Any family that has not already registered their child with the WPD’s New Autism Safety Program, Linked- Autism Safety Project, will have the opportunity to do so in person or online. If you have already registered your child, you will have the opportunity to update their information in person or online. Please bring a 2”x 2” updated photo of your child or you can very simply register online here (https://www.watertownct.org/community/public_safety/police_department/autism_safety_alert_registration.php)
Who: Traffic Stops — Drivers must have a current license, car, registration, and insurance. One support person is welcome to attend.
Meet-and-Greet – please register Children/individuals with autism only (siblings welcome).
Presented by: SCSU Center of Excellence on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sun, Moon, & Stars, Inc., Watertown Police Department, Waterbury Police Department, Naugatuck Police Department, and SCSU Police Department.
Registration: https://bit.ly/ASD-Police