Free Asthma Programs Offered

Naugatuck Valley Health District is pleased to offer Putting on AIRS”, an in-home educational program funded through the Connecticut State Department of Public Health.

In the United States alone, almost 7 million children have asthma. 

Asthma continues to be one of the most common serious chronic childhood diseases. 

In addition, asthma is a leading cause of hospital emergency department visits and school absenteeism.

Putting on AIRS is designed to help families of children with asthma understand how to identify indoor asthma triggers, thereby helping them manage their child’s asthma more easily. 

Participating families will be educated on identification and ways to eliminate or reduce indoor asthma triggers such as dust mites, cockroaches, tobacco smoke, mold, and pets. 

Participants will also be educated on asthma as a chronic illness, medication actions and administration techniques. 

The goal of the Putting on AIRS Program is to decrease emergency department visits, urgent care visits to the physician’s office and number of days absent from school. 
In addition to Putting on AIRS”, the health district also will sponsor Asthma and Allergy Essentials for Childcare Providers”. 

This program will provide childcare workers with basic information about asthma and allergies as well as ways to control asthma and allergy triggers in the child care setting. This year’s workshop will be held at the Torrington Public Library on June 10, 2010 from 6:00pm‑9:00pm.

There is no charge for the workshop, but pre-registration is required. If you are interested in learning more about one or both of the programs, please contact Patricia J. Sullivan, RN.

The Naugatuck Valley Health District office is located at 98 Bank Street, Seymour, and serves residents of the municipalities of Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Naugatuck, Seymour and Shelton. 

For more information please call Naugatuck Valley Health District at 881‑3255, Monday – Friday between 8:30 and 4:00 p.m.

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