Gentile Encourages Participation In Renters’ Rebate Program

State Representative Linda M. Gentile (D‑Ansonia, Derby) is encouraging participation in Connecticut’s Elderly Renters’ Rebate Program for low-income and disabled residents. A recent increase of more than $6.5 million to expand the program will help thousands of additional senior citizens stay in their own homes.

With our elderly population continuing to grow, it is critical for us to take the necessary steps now to meet the needs of Connecticut’s seniors,” said Governor Malloy. This includes providing senior citizens with the right amount of support to give them access to a living situation that is safe, decent and affordable. This initiative will help make it possible for thousands of senior citizens and residents with disabilities to afford to stay in their communities and live with dignity, security, and independence.”

The Elderly Renters’ Rebate Program, established in 1974, benefits around 40,000 residents annually by providing direct, partial reimbursement to lower-income elderly or 100 percent to disabled renters to offset a portion of their rent and utility expenses. Under the expansion, an additional 12,700 recipients — an increase of over 30 percent — will be able to qualify for assistance.

Ensuring seniors can safely stay in their homes for as long as possible is a priority,” said Rep. Gentile. This expansion will improve access to the programs and services vital to our aging population keeping their homes and maintaining their lives with independence and dignity.”

Administered by the Office of Policy and Management, the program provides payments ranging from $50 to $900 for qualifying married persons, and $50 to $700 for qualifying single persons. The rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies. In order to qualify, married persons must have an annual income not greater than $41,600, and single persons must have an annual income not greater than $34,100.

Eligible persons may apply between April 1 and October 1 each year at either their town Assessor’s Office or social service agency, depending on the town. To date, OPM has received more than 27,000 applications from 164 cities and towns.

Questions about the program and payments should be directed to the Renter’s Rebate Hotline at 860 – 418-6377.

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