Gov. Malloy Signs War Memorial Bill Into Law

CTNewsJunkie File PhotoGov. Dannel Malloy this week signed into law a bill that enhances penalties against people who vandalize war memorials.

The bill, An Act Concerning Desecration of War or Veterans’ Memorials,” was proposed after a rash of thefts in the lower Naugatuck Valley of bronze plaques from war memorials. 

The bill enhances penalties for people found guilty of intentionally defacing, mutilating or destroying a memorial or monument.

Under the law, such an act would be a class D felony. It would also be a class D felony to knowingly possess, purchase, or sell a stolen war or veterans’ memorial.

Click here to read a past story about the bill’s passage through the state Senate. 

Three memorials were plundered in November and December 2011. 

Volunteer efforts are underway to replace the plaques from each of those memorials.

On Tuesday, the Shelton Board of Aldermen voted to spend $2,200 from its contingency fund to replace a plaque stolen from a Commodore Isaac Hull memorial off Howe Avenue. 

We’re going to be a little more diligent in the coming year to eliminate that (criminal) activity through increased surveillance,” Mayor Mark Lauretti said after the vote. 

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