Guest Column: Hope For The Seymour School Budget

I have good news to report. 

Although the Board of Finance did not approve the $1.5 million increase requested by the Board of Education; they did unanimously approve a $1.2 million increase to the Board of Education budget at last night’s BOF workshop. 

The $1.2 million increase is more money than the Board of Education has received from the Board of Finance in the past three years combined. 

This much-needed funding will support resources for our students and help move the district forward.

I would like to walk you through the meetings that were held and the materials that were handed out. 

You can view the March 7, 2012 videos of the Board of Education presentation to the Board of Finance as well as all the materials given to the Board of Finance on the District webpage. Go to then go to Board of Education tab and then go to Budget and Voting Information. 

It will be worth your time and effort to view the video presentation and the provided materials.

Several things have changed this year during the budgeting process. 

The most notable is the tone of the conversation. The Board of Finance was truly engaged in the Board of Education’s presentation on March 7. 

They listened respectfully, maintained eye contact and asked pertinent questions. Yashu Putorti, the Board of Education Chairperson, gave the presentation while Rick, Christine and I answered some specific questions. Board of Education members Jim Garofolo, Kristin Harmeling, Peter Kubik, Jen Magri and Ed Strumello were also at the meeting to support the Board chair and the Board of Education budget. 

In my opinion, this night was filled with hope and possibilities. 

One of the Board of Finance members exclaimed at the end of the meeting that it feels like family.” I believe this is the beginning of a rebirth for Seymour and congratulate the Board of Education and the Board of Finance in their efforts to see Seymour grow and prosper.

Last night, the Finance Board again reviewed the Board of Education’s budget and asked additional clarifying questions. Again the tone of the meeting was professional and respectful with intelligent dialogue. This meeting was also video taped and as soon as I receive the tape, it will be posted on the District webpage in the same location as the materials noted above.

I look forward to questions from you. Please .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) any questions you may have and I will collect them and then respond with a Question and Answer Eblast to keep you informed. If at any time during the budget process you have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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