ANSONIA — End the summer on a high note by going to “ROCK THE VALLEY” Saturday (Aug. 24) at Nolan Field, 350 Wakelee Ave.
The rain date is Sunday, Aug. 25.
The city released a schedule of bands and performers this week.
Check it out below:

Click here for the Ansonia Cultural Commission’s Facebook page.
Nolan Field is on Wakelee Avenue, at the intersection of Wakelee and Franklin Street (exit 19 off Route 8). Click here for a Google map.
To keep up-to-date on the event, please click here for the city’s official Facebook page.
Other Attractions
In addition to live music, “Rock the Valley” will feature:
* A beer garden
* Crafters
* Food
* Live petting zoo
* Kids zone
* Fireworks at night to close the event
Tickets, Parking, Other Info
Admission is $3. Children 12 and under get in for free.
Tickets are on sale at Ansonia City Hall, 253 Main St., or can be purchased at the gate the day of the event. Go to the city government’s official website for other locations to buy tickets.
Parking is available at the location. Don’t park on Wakelee Avenue. Additional parking is available at Tri-Town Plaza, 850 Derby Ave. in Seymour (less than a mile away).
Parking is free, and free shuttle buses will take people to and from Tri-Town.
“Rock the Valley” is a community event organized by Mayor David Cassetti’s administration and the Ansonia Cultural Commission.
“Rock the Valley” is sponsored by Farrel Pomini and Country Disposal Services LLC.