UPDATE: Housatonic And Nagatuck River Conditions

CT NATIONAL GUARDNOTE: The information posted on the U.S. Geological Survey website, the basis of which was used for this article, changed between Tuesday morning and Tuesday night. The article was revised to reflect the new data.

The Housatonic River at the Stevenson Dam crested at 20.94 feet at 8 p.m. Monday, the sixth-highest level ever recorded, according to data from the U.S. Geological Survey.

The Naugatuck River in Beacon Falls Sunday hit its second-highest level ever recorded.

The Housy

The river measured 12.56 feet at 9:45 a.m. (Tuesday, Aug. 30). It is expected to dip to 10.9 feet by 2 p.m.

Two floods from 2011 are now on the Housy’s top ten list:

1. 24.5 on 10/16/1955

2. 24.5 on 8/19/1955

3. 23.5 on 3/12/1936

4. 22.36 on 5/30/1984

5. 21.68 on 3/7/2011

6. 20.94 on 8/29/2011

7. 21.5 on 9/22/1938

8. 19.98 on 4/16/2007

9. 18.88 on 1/27/1996

10. 18.09 on 10/15/2005

The City of Derby closed it flood gates for the first time since they were installed in 1973.

The Naugatuck

The Naugatuck River at Beacon Falls crested at 14.36 feet at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 28. 

It hit 25.7 feet during the August Flood of 55.

Here’s what it was doing in Seymour Sunday afternoon:

Here is the Naugy’s list:

1. 25.7 feet on 8/19/1955

2. 14.36 on 8/28/2011

3. 14.1 on 3/12/1996

4. 13.78 on 1/25/1979

5. 12.95 on 6/05/1982

6. 12.6 on 3/7/2011

7.12.21 on 4/23/2006

8. 12.10 on 4/16/2007

9. 12/08 on 4/07/1924

The Naugatuck River was at 7 feet Aug. 30, well below its 12-foot flood stage.

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