Katharine Matthies Foundation Awards More Than $770,000

The Katharine Matthies Foundation (Bank of America Trustee) recently awarded more than $770,000 to 54 local groups and non-profit agencies.

Here is the complete list of 2013 grants from the foundation:

Ansonia Community Action: $15,000
Summer enrichment program for students

Ansonia Public Schools: $30,000
​“Ansonia Anchors,” academic success program for students

Ansonia School Readiness Program: $25,000
Ansonia’s community planned for childhood success

Assumption School: $15,000
New front entrance to the school

Center for Domestic Violence Services at BHCare: $3,930
Fire alarm system for transitional house

Christ Episcopal Church: $20,282
Food bank relocation and expansion

Online Journalism Project: $10,000
General operating support (for the Valley Indy)

The Salvation Army: $25,000
Community food programs in Ansonia, Derby, Shelton and Oxford

Valley Substance Abuse Council: $25,000
General operating support

Town of Beacon Falls, library: $5,000
Pavillon for Pent Road recreational complex

Derby Discovery Collaborative: $25,000
Derby comprehensive plan

Father McKenna St. Vincent DePaul Shoppe of Shelton: $4,000
Purchase awnings

Griffin Health Services/Griffin Hospital: $100,000
Equipment for interventional radiology suite at Griffin Hospital

Housatonic Council, Boy Scouts of America: $15,000
General operating support

Lower Naugatuck Valley Parent Child Resource Center, Inc.: $15,000
Triple P Positive Parenting Program

St. Mary Catholic Church Society, St. Mary-St. Michael School: $20,000
Energy efficient window shades

TEAM, Inc.: $50,000
Meals on Wheels vehicle

Oxford Historical Society: $3,000
Window restoration project

Town of Oxford: $7,500
Great Oak Garden

Town of Oxford: $7,500
ADA accessible playscape

Connecticut Partnership for Children: $2,200
Equipment and supplies

Seymour Historical Society: $32,000
Renovations to the Katharine Matthies homestead

Seymour Tigers Pop Warner Football: $4,250
Equipment reconditioning

Seymour Oxford Food Bank: $1,590
Office equipment

Town of Seymour: $3,650
Equipment for community center gym

Town of Seymour: $1,800
Summer concerts

Town of Seymour, Senior Center: $1,400
Computer and printer

Town of Seymour: $3,950
Broad Street project

Town of Seymour: $3,300
French Park benches

Town of Seymour: $11,700
Downtown beautification project

Town of Seymour: $7,500
Town Hall and ambulance building landscaping

Boys and Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley: $35,00
General operating support

Center Stage Theatre: $5,000
Curriculum development

Shelton Economic Development Corporation: $15,000
The Naugatuck Valley Corridor Economic Development District for the Naugatuck Valley Corridor Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Shelton Historical Society: $15,900
Repairs to the Brownson House

Valley United Way: $6,700
Valley Play and Learn Fair

Area Congregations Together: $35,000
Support for Spooner House

Covenant to Care for Children: $3,500
General Operations — Seymour, Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, and Oxford

Connecticut Radio Information System, Inc.: $7,500
Programming for Residents of Lower Naugatuck Valley

Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Inc.: $6,000
Camperships for scouts in lower Naugatuck Valley

Healthy Eyes Alliance: $15,196
Healthy Eyes for Kids program in Ansonia, Seymour, Beacon Falls, and Derby

Junior Achievement of Western Connecticut, Inc: $10,000
Economic Education Initiative in Ansonia, Derby and Seymour

Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk: $7,500
Transportation Fund for Lower Naugatuck Valley Schools

New Haven Legal Assistance: $5,000
Legal assistance for lower Valley residents

New Haven Symphony Orchestra, Inc.: $25,000
Music Education in the Naugatuck Valley

Operation Fuel: $4,000
Emergency Energy Assistance in the Lower Naugatuck Valley

Rape Crisis Center of Milford, Inc.: $12,000
Community Education Program: Project TEACH – Ansonia, Derby, Seymour & Shelton

Sea Research Foundation, Inc.: $10,825
Immersion STEM After-School program at Boys & Girls Club of Lower Naugatuck Valley

Shakesperience Productions, Inc: $11,000
Curricular Enhancement for Students in Seymour, Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Oxford, and Shelton schools

Star Bethlehem Church: $3,000
Thanksgiving basket drive

Visiting Nurse Association of South Central CT, Inc.: $18,000
Medical Social Work Program at Spooner House in Shelton

Workplace, Inc: $7,500
Scholarships for residents of Lower Naugatuck Valley

Young Audiences of Connecticut: $5,000
Tell Me a Story program in Seymour schools

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