CT House Republicans
State Rep. Themis Klarides.
The following is a prepared statement issued Friday for state Rep. Themis Klarides, R‑Derby:
House Republican Leader Themis Klarides (R‑Derby) on Thursday said it’s time for Governor Lamont to fulfill his campaign promise to the firefighters throughout Connecticut. The Governor said he would finally fund the construction of the Valley Regional Training School to be located in Beacon Falls, bringing accessibility to the critical skills training firefighters need to help keep themselves and their communities safe.
“Making promises and grand statements are things at which Governor Lamont excels, but his record of following through on them hasn’t been so hot,” said Klarides, who represents the 114th House District covering Woodbridge and parts of Orange and Derby. “Through these fire schools, the governor has an opportunity to improve his record — and if he doesn’t get these important projects moving, he’ll leave a lot of brave men and women throughout this state deeply disappointed.”
Klarides in late May sent a letter to the governor’s office asking for his plans to allocate $26 million to fund the training centers, the Valley Regional Training School is among them. That project, slated for construction in Beacon Falls, is 20 years in the making. Lamont in early November made an 11th hour campaign stop in Derby, where he and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysceiwicz joined candidates in promoting themselves and their dedication to finally supplying money for the project.
The governor’s office has not responded to the inquiry from Klarides.
“Firefighters in my area are beyond frustrated about this school, and Governor Lamont better believe that they heard his message loud and clear that day,” said Klarides, a fierce advocate for the project that’s expected to give men and women in the fire service both classroom and scenario-based training they need.
“There’s no wiggle room on this — the governor couldn’t have been more direct on this promise, and it’ll be shameful if he fails to follow through on this one. “
Klarides has urged the governor to instruct the state’s Department of Administrative Services to restart the bid process for the roughly $14 million project, and to include funding for the job on the agenda for the next meeting of the State Bond Commission. Public safety-related projects such as these training schools, Klarides said, are crucial to the fabric of Connecticut’s communities and fit within government’s core responsibilities.
Training curriculum aside, too few schools mean firefighters must travel far from their homes to take the classes they need.
Lamont has faced intense criticism after reneging on his campaign promise to pursue trucks-only tolling as well as his failure to restore the property tax exemption to all Connecticut residents.
“Our governor needs to understand that his words carry more weight than anyone else’s,” Klarides said. “When he says he understands the plight of the middle class after proposing middle class tax hikes, that’s confusing to people. When he tells firefighters about his stint as a fire service volunteer but then goes silent on his promise to deliver their training schools, that’s confusing to people. This governor needs to be clear, and he should start on this issue.”