Like rebuilding a house, we first needed to ensure that we had a solid foundation to build from.
Over the last four years, my team and I have worked tirelessly to make the necessary changes to allow our town to move forward with long term growth and financial stability.
The Town’s finances were identified as an area that needed improvement. Through our hard work, we have grown our fund balance, gotten our debt ratios under control, eliminated certain reoccurring expenses and reorganized the way we do business. Our hard work and effort has already paid off. Standard & Poor’s increased our bond rating two levels to AA+, their second highest rating and just one step below communities like Greenwich and Westport. We also received a prestigious national Award of Excellence regarding our financial management practices and the way we protect the tax dollars we are entrusted with.
Like the foundation of a home, this work has been mostly invisible but its results can be seen throughout town. Our improved finances have allowed us to move forward with long-neglected projects like repairing our roads, sidewalks and buildings, purchasing equipment for our public works, police and fire departments and updating our technology to improve our service to residents. Proper planning has allowed this to happen with little to no impact to taxes.
We introduced sound business practices like human resources, operations and technology departments. We found and are working on opportunities to combine services with our Board of Education and other communities through our active participation in our regional council of governments. We have developed a 10-Year Strategic plan as a road map which will ensure the Town’s future decisions are made through sound fiscal and operational decision making. We rolled out a tax incentive plan which has encouraged several existing large businesses to reinvest in Seymour and several new ones to call us home.
Through strong leadership and hard work, long-stalled projects like the fish bypass, Rimmon Street reconstruction, Housatonic Wire cleanup and the Seymour Lumber demolition have all been either completed or put back on track. New projects like the Greenway Trail and updated streetscapes will continue improving the appearance and overall character of our downtown. Improved parking and mobility improvements are also in the works.
I am extremely proud of everything my team and I have accomplished over the last four years. We have a proven track record of leadership and the experience necessary to continue moving Seymour in a positive direction.
We will achieve even more over the next two years. I ask for your support for not only myself, but my entire team on Tuesday, Nov. 3 because Leadership and Experience Matter!
The author is running for re-election as Seymour’s First Selectman.
Editor’s note:
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