Letter: Ansonia Should Swap Land With Derby For Emergency Access To Ansonia High School

In response to the the City of Ansonia’s request for an easement that would affect Derby land and ultimately allow emergency access to Ansonia High School from Sunset Drive in Derby, I would like to suggest that Derby’s Board of Aldermen engage in some old fashioned Yankee horse trading and propose and pursue an easement from the City of Ansonia to the City of Derby for access to Derby’s property in the Fountain Lake Industrial Park, which is currently landlocked.

Derby’s 35 acres of business/industrial zoned property is some of the most pristine in the park. By comparison it is three times the size of the parcel located on the south side of Main St.

Ansonia’s property in the Fountain Lake Industrial Park has been developed. That development, which included efforts by Robert Scinto, well-known for his efforts in Shelton, attracted a number of corporations helping to stabilize Ansonia’s tax base.

With an easement Derby would have the same potential opportunity to engage such developers and help to stabilize our tax base as well.

It is an agreement that would be mutually beneficial to each municipality. It would also save the city of Ansonia the significant cost of constructing the desired access road elsewhere.

Walt Mayhew
The writer is the Derby City Treasurer.

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