Letter: Rally Planned Before Shelton School Board Meeting

In keeping with fairness, and affording people the benefit of the doubt, the NAACP expressed our outrage through proper channels and through the chain of command. 

The result … NOTHING. Shelton BOE , police, state’s attorney office, etc.

So I have to take the lack of action as complicity in the act of the white Shelton Middle School student who felt comfortable enough to put on black face and go on social media with the caption there’s a new nigga in town.” 

This type of behavior must be acceptable in Shelton since everyone that I have spoken with has attempted to minimize this act.

This act demonstrates hate and a complete lack of respect for an entire race of people, and you all are ok with this? Are the black and brown children in your school system not worthy of being protected and defended? 

This hate, if not addressed with a stiff penalty will only get worse and it will spread and happen more often because none of the people charged with guiding these young people seem to be taking this serious. This is beyond serious and we are demanding this student be reprimanded immediately.

As President of the NAACP in the Valley I’m asking ALL tax-payers to stand-up and be heard! 

Let’s send a resounding message that we hold you individuals in leadership accountable for this racist act and behavior if nothing is done. We will rally at the Shelton Board of Ed Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 6 p.m.


The writer is the president Valley NAACP.

Click here for background on this issue.

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