Navigating The COVD-19 ‘Zoomacracy’

For roughly 10 months, local governments have been conducting the public’s business without actually being in front of the public — at least not physically.

Because of the gathering restrictions birthed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re now in a Zoomacracy,” a phrase coined by our pals over at The New Haven Independent.

In this very special video episode of Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast,” I’m joined by two brainy-types for a deeper looked at how local governments across Connecticut used technology in the early days of the pandemic to get the public involved in how they’re money was being spent — and whether the new tech will be incorporated into government after the pandemic ends.

The guests: professor Jodie Gil is an associate professor of journalism, and Dr. Jonathan Wharton teaches political science. Together they wrote Open Budgetary Meetings Amid a Pandemic: Assessing Connecticut’s Various Pathways to Public Engagement During COVID-19,” which was recently published in THE JOURNAL OF CIVIC INFORMATION.

Click the play button to watch the interview, which was conducted Friday.

Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast” is sponsored by

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